Friday, September 30, 2011

Organizational {Friday} Washi Tape!

How many of you use washi tape? For those of you that don't know what washi tape is, it is Japenese masking tape. Well, thanks to Pinterest, I am finding all sorts of new things "I need," and washi tape is one of them. Eeek! I have used Tim Holtz's tissue tape for quite some time and have always LOVED it. Well, now I can find that tape in all sorts of colors, designs, and fun! I have now collected quite a stash, and just recently found a great way to store it. First, let me share a few places where you can buy washi tape:

**Cute Tape (they have most designs here so you don't have to buy from many different sellers)
**Sugar B. Supplies (an etsy store that has a great variety and storage options)
**Pretty Tape (an etsy store that also has a great variety)

There are many, many more places that sell washi tape but these are the ones I shop at most frequently.

Now, how to store these great rolls of yumminess. Well, you could certainly:

**put them in a plastic container
**store in a drawer (which is how I used to store mine)
**put on a tension rod
**put on a pants hanger
**use a Tim Holtz tape dispenser
**etc., etc, etc.

I chose to go with these great containers from Sugar B. Supplies (linked above). They match my antique storage pieces in my room, and the tape is out where it's easy to see and use. I have two more on the way as I have already run out of room. Each "shelf" holds about 10 rolls of tape.

Sugar B. Supplies also has another dispenser that some of you may love. I did not personally buy this one but she does have it available also. It looks like it will hold more than 10 rolls for sure.

I hope you will have fun playing with washi tape and getting it organized! Enjoy your Friday! Blessings,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Art {Journaling} Spray Ink

**Please note: To see today's {Faith Journaling} prompt, please see my post here or scroll down. :)

Happy Thursday everyone! Unfortunately I don't have a page to share. My creating time is all but "nill" with the puppy and hubby out of the country. But I wanted to share something with you so today I thought we could talk about spray inks.

I saw a post on Two Peas about making your own sprays adding paints and alcohol. Please, don't use alcohol as a mist! It is very dangerous for your lungs! The best thing to do is use pre-mixed products such as:

*Maya Road Mist
*Glimmer Mist
*Smootch Spritz
*Mister Huey's Mist
*Etc., etc., etc.

You can also make your own mist. For art journaling, I LOVE mixing either Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay India Inks with water in a spray bottle or Liquitex Acrylic Inks with water in a spray bottle. Both work the same way; both give great results. I also use them on other paper crafting creations (layouts, cards, etc.). You can buy them at Dick Blick online (click on each product name above and you can see them) or Hobby Lobby also sells them both in the art department. Sometimes they go on sale, and if not, you can use a 40% off coupon on them!

To use them as a spray, I put a dropper full in a spray bottle (also purchased from Dick Blick), add a small amount of water depending on how concentrated I want it, and then spritz away! The spray bottles I use have a space to write the name of the color so I always have some of each color pre-mixed.

You can use both of these inks full strength too. I put a few drops in a plastic artist palette and use with a paint brush full strength. I also use the dropper to drop single drops on a gesso'd page then spritz with water on top of the drops. It gives a fun effect!

I hope you enjoy today's post, and again I am sorry I don't have a page to share. I am REALLY missing my creative time! Have a blessed Thursday!

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #93

As I was listening to KLOVE yesterday, I realized how much I learn from the pastors and other ministry leaders that share their God-given wisdom throughout the day. It made me wonder about listening to sermons online and on the radio. So today, please share in your journals:

**Do you listen to sermons online or on the radio? If so, share what you listen to. If not, why not?

Matthew 5:1-2 "Now when Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him, and He began to teach them."

And remember, to see all previous {Faith Journaling} questions, please see my list here. Have a blessed weekend ahead!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday's {Tip} Circles!

Who doesn't love circles? I find I love them on layouts, cards, art journaling pages, everything! Well, I have been looking for circles that I can use without having to buy anything. So, I wanted to show you a few of my favorites here today. I hope it helps you to start looking around to see what you might find that will work for you too!

Some great ways to get circles onto your scrapbook pages, cards, and other creations is to use lids from any containers that you might have on hand along with some acrylic paint. Some of my favorites are:

*medicine lids (they come in various sizes)
*drink lids (again various sizes)
*lids from baby food jars
*cardboard tubing

Here are a few I mentioned above. Look at the different sizes and how they make different circles:

My absolute favorite circle to use on my creations is the one on the bottom right in the photo. It is a very sturdy piece of cardboard tubing from the center of a roll of aluminum foil. Toilet paper rolls work great too but I much prefer the sturdiness and thickness of the cardboard from aluminum foil!

Of course you can also get circles from:

*bubble wrap
*eraser on the end of a pencil

So, grab some acrylic paint and a circle or two and start creating! It's fun, they are cheap, and they can be used over and over again! Happy crafting!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

ABC Scripture Challenge {Word #20}, Trouble

Challenge Word #20: Trouble

Have you ever looked at your troubles and wished they were gone? Have you ever just had enough? I know as we have been dealing with my daughter’s illness, I have felt that way this summer. I thought after all of the troubles my triplets have had with various health issues since their premature birth that we were done. Then, this summer here came more trouble. Why? Can’t I get rest? I am sure all of you have a similar story—troubles never seem to end or stop.

What do you do when you feel so down and burdened with trouble? Have you ever wished you could have someone else’s troubles? Socrates said “If all of our misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart.” I think that is a very true statement for sure.

How do you handle the troubles you have in your daily life? Who or what do you lean on? For me, I have my precious Lord. Without Him, I know I could NOT handle what happens in my daily life. He enables me to get through. He helps me, gives me joy when I feel down, He expands my time to help me get it all done, He fills me with His wisdom to handle the situation(s), and He holds me up. Can you say that He does that for you to? If not, ask Him, He will! Psalm 86:7 says “In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.

And do you ever feel like you are alone in your trouble? Well God is right there with you. He has a plan and a purpose. 1 Peter 1:6b-7 says “…though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even through refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” And James 1:2-4 says “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Look back at your previous troubles. I am sure you will be able to see the blessings in them as you look back. I know I can! If God blessed you through those previous troubles, you can count on Him doing it again! Have faith, and trust Him!

For my page today--well, unfortunately, I don't have a page today. I am so sad because I am really in the mood to create but I have had a busy two days at church, and then I have to lead the BSF Leader's Meeting in the morning. I still have lots of prep for that so no creating for me today. I pray you understand, and I hope to post all of the pages I have skipped soon!

So, where do troubles in daily life take you? In times of trouble do you look for the Lord and follow where He leads or do you seek your “own way out”? Remember, Jesus will carry you through your troubles.

Hymn “Though Troubles Assail Us” (verse 1)
Though troubles assail,
And dangers affright;
Though friends should all fail,
And foes all unite,
Yet one thing secures us,
Whatever betide:
The Scripture assures us,
"The Lord will provide."

As you post your pages, please be sure to use Keyword ABCSCRC11 when posting your creations in any online galleries. Also, please leave a link to your creation here using Inlinkz! To see all of our previous lessons, please visit this post here. Blessings to each of you as you persevere with Christ in your troubles!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where is Patter?

Note:  To see today's {Faith Journaling} post, click here or scroll down. Thank you!

Okay, so I have been a bit scarce. The "rat race" has started--homeschooling, activities, Bible study, etc. Then for some reason I thought I had enough time on my hands to bring this little guy into our home:

Oh, SO in love already. Isn't he a cutie? Our other two dogs aren't so happy but we are working with a trainer, and  hopefully we will be one happy family soon. So, if I am a bit scarce, bare with me--I am hoping to get my schedule smoothed out soon. Thanks for understanding and enjoy the weekend ahead! Blessings,

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #92

As I was thinking about Bible study this week, I thought that you should share the following in your journals this week--

**What is the name of your Sunday School class?

Psalm 119:73 "Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands."

And remember, to see all previous {Faith Journaling} questions, please see my list here. Have a blessed weekend ahead!

Friday, September 16, 2011

{ODBD} Name Your Own Discount

I don't know how many of my subscribers get the Our Daily Bread Designs e-mails but you don't want to miss out on this one!! Kelley is sending out a special "discount off of purchases" to her e-mail subscribers. You have until tomorrow night (Saturday) to sign up for the e-mails if you do not already subscribe so that you can get the special "discount message." Hop on over to this post on the ODBD blog to see complete details and to sign up for the e-mails.

I hope this helps some of you that have been waiting to buy some ODBD stamp sets! Blessings, and have a joyous weekend.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Art {Journaling} My Love of Biking

Note: To see today's {Faith Journaling} Challenge, please click here or scroll down to the next post. :)

This week I thought it would be fun to do a page about my love of biking. Since my art journal really is a "Book of Me," I am trying to not only journal the day-to-day things but also the things I love. Biking is one of them. I also LOVE to listen to the cardinals as I ride. They were my precious grandmother's favorite bird. They remind me of her, her home, and her yard. So, here is my page sharing my love of biking and cardinals.

Papers: 7Gypsies collage tissue paper (background), Basic Grey Jovial paper (bird) and Nook and Pantry (sun), Prima Printery paper (center of wheel)
Stamps: Unity Lovely Lilacs and Worn Grid, Rollagraph Say What?
Paints: Liquitex Ink vivid lime green, Making Memories acrylic paint navy and daiquiri, Claudine Hellmuth sky blue
Inks: Archival Ink jet black and cobalt
Pens: Faber-Castell PITT Big Brush pens dark naples ochre, leaf green, pale geranium lake, black; Pentel EnerGel
Other: Portfolio Oil Pastel black, Liquitex gesso

I have never done a "scene" page before. There are some things I will change next time but it was a fun learning process. I hope you enjoy it, and happy Art {Journaling}. Blessings,

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #91

Last Saturday night at our church service, there was a little baby baptized.  We usually don't have too many kiddos in the Saturday night service so it was a blessing to be part of it. So, today--

**Share your baptism experience and/or your childrens' baptism?

Acts 11:16 "Then I remembered what the Lord had said: ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

Enjoy your journaling time! Blessings,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Little {Wednesday} Funny

This morning as I was riding my bike, I ran across these "beauties."

They were right next to me as I was on the bike path. Ick! Not sure what they were munching on. I wasn't going into the dead leaves to see either. LOL! :) So, in Texas we get vultures and in South Carolina I get my alligators! Never a dull moment. That's why I always ride with my camera in my basket! :)

Have a blessed Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday's {Tip} Quick Book List

Prior to leaving for our recent vacation, I realized I had a whole bunch of books that I wanted to read but I could never remember what I wanted to read next or what the ordering was of the "series" books. So, I created a little card out of some old Crate Paper cardstock to slip into my Kindle cover. This way I always know what books are next on my reading list. It's my little quick-reference sheet for "on the road."

Note: Kindle cover purchased from Oberon Designs. Definitely our favorite covers. My kiddos have them too! Beautiful covers and worth the cost!

In the close-up photos above, you can see that I list the author's name first then the series book titles and  underneath. I then list the date I started the book followed by the date I finished the book. The superscript number next to date refers to my "scoring" of the book. The books with a small penciled (B) means that I still need to purchase that particular book for my Kindle but truly I am hoping they will be free or severely discounted at some point!

And speaking of purchasing Kindle books--I now have over 220 books for my Kindle and over 90% of those have been free! If you missed my post on how to find the free books, see that post here.

So, I hope you will use that scrap paper, and jot down those books you want to read next. Quick, easy, and looks cute. Enjoy your Tuesday!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

ABC Scripture Challenge {Word #19}, Share

Challenge Word #19: Share

While on vacation in August, we witnessed a terrible accident. We were the car just behind the two cars that hit. We also were the only witnesses to stop. The first car was a Suburban and was hit from the back. The back of the car was damaged but the occupants were fine—just shaken a bit. The Toyota Camry that hit them was demolished. The air bag deployed, the driver’s arms were burnt from the air bags, there was burning radiator fluid coming into the car, and it was really a scary situation. As I was there with the occupants, who were both conscious praise God, I felt God lead me to pray with them. I have never shared a prayer with strangers like that ever before. I held the passenger’s hand and I prayed for them while we waited for the police and rescue squad to arrive. Once the police took my statement and we were allowed to leave, the driver from the Suburban came up to me and shook my hand. I didn’t know why but then he proceeded to say “Thank you so much for praying for those people.” I had NO idea he heard me or saw me praying with them. While I certainly didn’t mind, it also made me think of how many times people see us doing things that we are unaware of. Does your life match what you say? Are you sharing Christ through your daily living? Are you sharing as God leads?

Our lives should match our words. For those of us that proclaim Christ as our Lord and Savior, then our lives should match our words. Our lives should share Christ through all we do and say. As Max Lucado says we can share by: “Being faithful to your spouse. Be the one at the office who refuses to cheat. Be the neighbor who acts neighborly. Be the employee who does the work and doesn’t complain. Pay your bills. Do your part and enjoy life. Don’t speak one message and live another.” So perfectly put.

In my daughter’s Christian evangelism class this week, they were talking about the word ‘share’. My daughter mentioned how we are so eager to share when we get a new car, new jewelry, new ‘anything’ really. But, how eager are we to share the Lord?

How many times have you heard people say they don’t want to know about being a Christian because “Christians are hypocrites” or “because they act just like the rest of the world”? Do you want non-believers to take you seriously? Then share Christ by the way you live. Live each day according to God’s Word, and remember to share with gentleness and respect.

1 Peter 3:15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

For my page today, I used two verses:

Micah 6:8And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

2 Thessalonians 2:14He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Micah verse reminds me that that I need to live for Him each day. I stamped it using the ODBD set called 'Scripture Collection 2'. The Thessalonians verse reminds me that someone shared the gospel with me, and I need to share Him with others too gently and respectfully. I also loved these new papers from My Mind's Eye called “Breeze.” The colors and designs were perfect. I also loved the tag that said “Today Tomorrow Forever," and I added the word 'share' to it. It was just perfect for our word today!

Papers: My Mind's Eye Breeze, Paper Trey Ink cs
Our Daily Bread Designs Stamps: Scripture Collection 2
Stamp Ink: SU chocolate chip
Embellishments: Jenni Bowlin brown sugar paint dabber and letter stickers, Memory Box pastry label, Quickutz tag, Spellbinders Fleur de Lis Rectangles, Prima flower, Kaisercraft pearl, Paper Trey Ink button, misc. twine

As we remember the attacks of September 11th, I pray you will keep your eyes and ears open. You never know when God will put someone in your path that He wants you to share with. The world today is in desperate need to hear about the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Won’t you share as someone shared with you?

As you post your pages, please be sure to use Keyword ABCSCRC11 when posting your creations in any online galleries. Also, please leave a link to your creation here using Inlinkz! To see all of our previous lessons, please visit this post here. Blessings to each of you as you listen to His prompting to share with those around you!


Friday, September 9, 2011

Organizational {Friday} Grab a Bath Tower!

Okay so did the title get ya? Yes, I said a bath tower. I went to Target the other day to pick up a new shower caddy for the kids bathroom. As I looked down the aisle, I noticed something called a "Triple Tower."

Hmm, it has the word "triple" in it. It must be for me. LOL! Anyway, on the back it says it is a "Rectangular Bath Tower," and it is really slim yet has 3 tiers. It looked perfect for my desk so I brought it home to try.

After getting it situated where I wanted it, I began filling it. I must say, I am very pleased! Each shelf measures 8 3/4" x 4 1/4".  Here is what it looks like:

And here is what I put on each shelf:

Bottom Shelf: Water spritzer bottle, jute, twine, Collage Pauge, piercing tool, and other art journaling goodies

Middle Shelf: One Jetmax 4x4 plastic jar filled with paint brushes, Tim Holtz blending tool, bucket of Copic refills (I don't have many), Invisible Care lotion

Top Shelf: Three small buckets filled with mini misters and Smooch spritz, gesso, matte medium, Krylon matte finish

Everything here are things I use a lot. This makes them very easy to grab and put right back when I am done. Then if that wasn't enough, I was even able hang things from the shelves! I added a Clip-It-Up clip to hang my Cutterbee piercing bugs. I also hung up a mini album.  I have room to hang quite a bit more too. So fun!

So if you need a little more vertical storage, run to Target to get a "Triple Tower." Happy organizing, and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Art {Journaling} It's All About Tea!

**Please note: To find today's {Faith Journaling} Challenge, please click here or scroll down to the next post. :)

Green tea--you either love it or hate it so I have heard. I wanted to start drinking it for it's health benefits and because my body loves to retain water. Ick! It took a while until I found the way I like to drink it as I do not like hot drinks. I used to be a HUGE Southern Sweet Tea girl however I gave that up as I began losing weight. Anyway, I must have a cup a day of this new tea. I love it, and it keeps my fingers from swelling. Yeah! So, I thought an art journaling page about my love for my tea would be fun.  Here is what I created about "my tea":

Paper: Crate Paper Little Sprout (for tea cup and hearts)
Stamps: Tim Holtz Ultimate Grunge, Stampin' Up Nursery Letters
Stamp Ink: Archival Ink jet black
Other: Portfolio Oil Pastel black, Liquitex gesso, Pentel EnerGel
Sprays: Adirondack Color Wash meadow and sunset orange
Teacup Template: Melstampz

I got the tea cup template from Mel's blog. She has many templates and a search feature so it's easy to find what you are looking for! I also included the tag and wrappers from the tea bags for fun. And in case you are wondering, here is my special green tea recipe:

Patter's Favorite Green Tea
*1 bag Twinings Green Tea Mint
*1 bag Stash Moroccan Mint
*8 oz. boiling water
*8 oz. ice chips

Brew both tea bags in the 8 oz. of hot water for 5 minutes. Remove tea bags. Pour over 8 oz. of ice chips. Drink and enjoy! 

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed today's page! Blessings,

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #90

This week God allowed me to discover something on my morning bike ride here in my own subdivision. Usually it's my beach rides that make me feel so close to Him and allow me to see Him so clearly. Yet, this week He has shown me and allowed me to discover Him on the bike trails are right here. It's so very exciting. So, today--

**What has God shown you this week that you have discovered together with Him?

Genesis 26:19 "Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water there."

How awesome Isaac's servants discovered a well of fresh water. How about you? Look for it. It's there, and He is waiting to show you. Enjoy your discovery and journaling time! Blessings,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 1 {ODBDLYLS9} Scrapbook Challenge

It's September and our weather has finally fallen below 100 degrees! With the changing temperatures brings a new ODBD Let Your Light Shine Scrapbook Challenge! A few weeks ago, I created some fall leaves using vellum. I hadn’t used vellum in a long time! I have a stash that just sits in my drawer. I know there are other crafters that haven’t used vellum in a while either. So, this month I thought it would be fun to challenge ourselves with vellum. So, your challenge for September is to: create a layout of any size using vellum and ODBD stamp(s). Try something new with vellum. Use vellum for flowers, leaves, journaling boxes, color it, anything! So reach into that old stash and have fun! We can’t wait to see those ODBD and vellum creations!

For my 8x8 'vellum inspiration', I chose to color vellum with distress stains. It colors the vellum beautifully and dries quickly especially with my Heat It tool! I used distress stains on the flowers, fence, and crochet border. The ODBD sets I used were the Fence Border die to cut the vellum fence along the bottom, the Scripture Series 2 set for the scripture at the top of the page, Sweet William Small for the red vellum flowers, and Serve the Lord for the vellum crochet border in the upper right corner. Whew, now that's a lot of vellum but it was fun!

Papers: Prima Printery, Jenni Bowlin ledger paper, Paper Trey Ink black cs, misc. vellum
Our Daily Bread Designs Stamps and Dies: Fence Border die, Scripture Series 2, Sweet William Small, Serve the Lord
Stamp Ink and Stains: Archival Ink jet black, Tim Holtz Distress Stain peeled paint (for fence) and fired brick (for flowers and border)
Embellishments: Basic Grey rub-ons and chipboard alpha, leaves from Wild Orchid Crafts, Zva Creative flourishes, Paper Trey Ink buttons, sewing machine

To see more information on the September Let Your Light Shine Challenge, please see the details in this post here.  Remember, you can win a $20 gift certificate to the ODBD store.  You have all of September to enter and play along! We hope you will join in the fun! Have a blessed day!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

{17 Years} How Can it Be?

Yes, it's another birthday post! Didn't I just post one of these a few months ago? How can my girls be 17 already? Some years this day bothers me as I remember why they were born. It was a very emotional day--an emergency c-section because they thought Baby A had died. Yes, here is my first look at Baby A whom we were told was gone:

The perinatologist did not want to deliver until the next day because he said "Baby A is already gone. We'll deliver tomorrow." Well, God had different plans, and they were delivered immediately not the next day! I didn't even know Him then yet He still had His amazing hand of protection over me and my beautiful Babies A, B, and C! And here are Babies A and B as they went home one month later:

And poor precious Baby C still had to stay in the NICU. The nurses said she changed overnight. She knew her sisters were gone! Poor little precious!

My girls are blessed in that they will always share that special "identical triplet" bond. I pray that they will not only walk hand-in-hand with each other but that they will always walk with our precious Lord and Savior.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Thank you for rejoicing with us today as we celebrate our precious girls. Happy Birthday sweet girls. We are blessed that God has given us the opportunity to watch over you as your earthly parents. We pray that 17 will be an amazing year for each of you and for our family. We love you darling girls!

**Please note: I am taking off today to celebrate with my girls. All "regularly scheduled posts" will resume next week. Thank you!

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