Thursday, April 29, 2010

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #24

A lot of churches are beginning their VBS sign-ups. I know it's something my girls and I look forward to each summer!! So today, I thought it would be fun to share:

**Do you volunteer in your church? What do you do currently? What have you done in the past?

2 Chronicles 17:16 "next, Amasiah son of Zicri, who volunteered himself for the service of the LORD. . ."

Enjoy your journaling time, and remember, all previous journaling prompts can be found in this post here. Joyfully in Jesus,


  1. Oh, this is a good prompt, Patter! My hubby sings tenor on the worship team and I am the go-to artist for productions (usually childrens), designing and making costumes, painting backdrops, and also painting murals in the Sunday school. It blesses me to know that God has shown me how to use the gifts he gave me to serve the church. My MIL and I love to serve at the women's functions too, always a joy to teach and serve.

    God bless your day Patter!

  2. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [29 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. What a great reminder!! Have a great weekend my friend!


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