Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our Daily Bread Designs {Challenge 10}

Can you believe this is our 10th challenge already? How fun! This week the ODBD Challenge Team is challenging you to "Recycle." Since April 22nd is Earth Day, the team thought we would challenge you to recycle. You can use a recycled item on your creation (sponging bubble wrap, foil embossing) or use it for a technique to create your creation. Be creative and have fun with it!

For my "recycled" card, I decided to recycle some string that was tied around some fabric I purchased, and I recycled a piece of the box. :) These two items were perfect for a masculine card! I used the new ODBD set called "Happy Father's Day" for my card. I just love this set! It's hard to find masculine stamps, and this set is amazing!
Papers: Memory Box licorice notecard, Aquarelle watercolor paper
Stamps: Our Daily Bread Designs Happy Father's Day
Stamp Ink: VersaFine onyx black, Adirondack espresso EP, VersaMark
Embellishments: string and cardboard from packaging, Derwent watercolor pencils, misc. eyelets, sewing machine

I hope you will join us in the "recycling" challenge! Be sure to see what the other challenge team members recycled. You can see their creations here:

America Kuhn
Chris Olsen
Christine Okken
Francie Gumprecht
Natalie Dever
Sabrina Jackson

To see all of the details and prizes for this week's challenge, see the ODBD blog post here. Also don't forget to upload your creations to Mister Linky in the same post by April 22nd at 8 p.m. EST! And remember to use Keyword ODBDSLC10 when posting to online galleries. Blessings to each of you!


  1. This is absolutely a stunning take on the recycling challenge Patter!! Love the corrugated cardboard and string!! What a great masculine card with an awesome design!!

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Patter what wonderful idea, I grew up in the fifties and my grandmother didn't throw away anything. She found some use for it, usually crafty type projects. God bless your wonderful weekend.

  3. Love this wonderful Fathers day card! Wonderful use of the cardboard! Love all the fabulous details! Beautifully done, Patter!

  4. Hi Patter!!!! I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog!! Now I can keep up with your busy design schedule! (I don't know how you do it!!) This card is so lovely, I like the masculine feel to it, and the ruggedness of the cardboard and string, adds so much to the card!

    Take care, and look forward to your updates!

    Lisa Sturgill (aka LisaRN499 from SJ) :)

  5. This is sooo creative, manly and terrific!!! :) Awesome details! Great minds think alike 'cuz I used cardboard too! LOL! :)

  6. Perfect masculine card!!! This is one of my favorite recycled items to use too...and you made it look awesome!!! Hugs ~S~

  7. Patter, oh my gosh, how creative!!! I am always struggling with man cards, but your creation, I will look at all of those boxes I usually throw out a little different. I totally love the way you have added that string through those awesome eyelets!!! Way to go!!! Have a fabulous weekend!! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  8. Patter you are so smart! Love the recycled string and cardboard on this great masculine card!

  9. Patter this is just the perfect guy card! LOVE the corrugated and the string was sheer genius! Love how you did it in and out of each eyelet! Fabulous take on the recycling challenge!!!

  10. You are right Patter, those two items make a perfect guy card! Very creative!

  11. Masculine cards are harder to make and you've done a fabulous job here, Patter! I especially love the cardboard texture and color, perfect!

    Hugs to you my friend!

  12. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [17 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  13. Patter girl!! this is da bomb!!!!! love the cardboard with the Father's Day set...totally perfect take on the challenge!!


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