Sunday, April 11, 2010

{Scripture Challenge 2} Challenge Word #8, Hymn

Challenge Word #8: Hymn

Do you like to sing? Notice I didn’t ask if you can sing. We are not all blessed with voices that we want to share with others but singing hymns to our precious Lord and praising Him can be done and should be done by all believers. Where is your heart when you sing? Are you truly praising Him and worshipping Him or worried about what everyone thinks about your singing? Our greatest privilege is to know God, worship Him, fellowship with Him, and to give Him the glory in all things. We can certainly get so many truths about our Lord through hymns, and it is just an amazing way to worship Him!

What exactly is a hymn? says “a song or ode in praise or honor of God.” And a song is “a short metrical composition intended or adapted for singing, esp. one in rhymed stanzas; a lyric; a ballad.” I prefer the word hymn because as I sing I want to give praise and honor to my precious Lord not just sing a song!

As I studied the Gospel of Matthew this week, I was struck by this verse:

Matthew 26:30 “When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives."

How had I missed this before? I don’t ever remember seeing that Jesus and the disciples sang a hymn before they went out to the Mount of Olives. Can you just imagine Jesus singing a hymn with His precious disciples? I wonder what hymn they sang? Wow! Jesus and the disciples are an example to us. We too should be singing our hymns and praises to our Lord.

What music do you align yourself with? What do your children listen to? I will be the first to admit I love music of all kinds—country, good ‘ol rock from the 1970’s, old hymns, contemporary Christian, instrumental, etc. But as a Christian, I need to make sure that I listen to things that will help me live by God’s standards, and I need to stay clear of the music that could steer me wrong. We also need to be that same example to our children. I don’t know about you but when I listen to good Christ-filled music, I am filled with such joy, such happiness, such excitement for the Lord, and my focus remains on Him not the sinful things that I could so easily be swayed to take part in.

For my page this week, I used the new Layers of Color set called “Joyful Noise.” It is a perfect stamp set for my page! Papers: Basic Grey Kioshi, Paper Trey Ink
Stamps: Layers of Color Joyful Noise
Stamp Ink: Adirondack espresso
Embellishments: misc. ribbon, Basic Grey micro-chip alpha stickers, Distress Stickles walnut stain and firebrick red, SEI rhinestone brad, Prima flowers, Martha Stewart double scallop border punch

The scripture I chose was Psalm 40:3a “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. . .”

I pray that you will go out this week and think about how you are representing the Lord by the music you listen to and how it affects your mood and your thoughts.

When searching for your scripture this week, you may also want to search on the word “song.” If you search the NIV version, you will find only 8 verses in the Bible with the word “hymn” in it but I found 115 verses with the word “song.” Search and find the verse(s) that speak to you.

Remember to use Keyword SCRC210 when posting in galleries. Also, feel free to leave a link here for others to see using Mister Linky. I pray you all are still enjoying the study. I don't hear much so I am not sure what my bloggers are feeling about the study. :) Thank you to those that send e-mails and leave your comments. They truly are a blessing to me. Enjoy your time of study, and remember to see all of our previous lessons, visit this post here. I will be back with another study on April 25th. Blessings to each of you,



  1. Beautiful page Patter and I love the verse and words of wisdom! I have had this same talk with dear ones in my life... it is important! Thanks for the reminder in so beautiful a way!

  2. Patter, thank you for another great word study!! I am always so eager to log on and find out the new word! Worship is near and dear to my heart, as my husband and 2 of my kids are musicians and help lead worship at our church. :) Thank you for sharing your heart with us! ... and your creative talents!
    Can't wait to work on my layout for this - and post soon .. I have ideas already! :)

  3. I couldn't agree more. When I hear a hymn, it goes straight to my heart and it stays in my mind that day, playing over and over. What a blessing that is.
    Keep up the good work Patter. We all need it.

  4. Thanks Patter for your devotional thoughts. I love to sing but am definitely not a good singer and usually come away from Church with one of the songs we have song on my mind. I love to play scriptural music in my home.. I like Sons of Korah who are an Australian Christian group as they sing solely the Psalms.
    This leads me to share... the hymn Jesus and his disciples sang would mostly likely be one from Psalms 113 to 118. The Talmud designated these Psalms at the Hallel ( praise psalms) of Egypt. These were sung at Passover.

    Your artwork is so nice. That stamp set has worked well for this.

  5. This is such a beautiful page! I recently found your blog & find it so inspirational, on so many different levels. Hugs!

  6. Beautifully designed, Patter! Thanks for your inspiring words of wisdom! We all need to remember this! Blessings!

  7. Thanks for the inspiration, Patter!

  8. Another wonderful devotional Patter! I so enjoy reading your thoughts on each word and spending the time searching for the verse that really stands out to me. Thanks for everything you do!

  9. Really beautiful page. Love the layers of details and how you used the new Basic Grey paper.

  10. hi Patter! I had to laugh after I finished my page and looked at yours to link to. I had 2 different verses I wanted to use but ended up using the same one you did! :) Oh well. I really liked how it said that people were amazed and put their trust in the LORD!! Thanks again for another great word study.

  11. Yikes!! I just made it before the new word tomorrow!! lol Can't wait to see it and get started! I'm sure learning lots! Thanks a bunch Patter!...Nancy :o)

  12. I grew up singing hymns in a pretty conservative church. They are near and dear to my heart. I always think of "Great is Thy Faithfulness" when I think of hymns. We sang it at my grandmother's funeral surrounded by extended family with amazing voices. I'll never forget it!


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