Monday, June 7, 2010

RAK Winner!

Good morning everyone! Thanks for being patient with me in getting this post out! I was in Dallas for a Copic Certification Class. Such an amazing class!

Anyway, onto our Scripture Challenge RAK winner! Please note because my page was also linked I did not include myself which makes the winning number not actually match your numbers in the link list. I hope that makes sense! :) So, without keeping you in suspense any longer, here is our winning number.

Here are your random numbers:6
Timestamp: 2010-06-07 09:26:53 UTC

Number 6 belongs to Patty M.! Patty, please e-mail me your address so that I can get your goodies off to you! Thanks to all that posted their pages. I love looking at them, and I am sure others are blessed by them too! Have a blessed Monday everyone!


  1. Woohoo!! Yay for Patty!! Congratulations!! Thanks so much for doing a RAK Patter! You're a Sweetheart!!...Nancy :o)

  2. *gasp* Please correct my spelling if I said you were a "sweatheart" haha That could be embarrassing for one or both of us! lol ...Nancy again :o)

  3. OMG! I had not idea it was YOU I talked to! :) I read my blogs in google reader and well, profile pics aren't there. HAHAHA! I was the woman who sat behind you in the copic class yesterday (Dana, black shirt) and walked back into the room after lunch. :) I guess I should have introduced myself. it was nice to have met you at the class though!

  4. Thank you for the RAK, Patter!!! I emailed you my address. Thanks a bunch!!!!


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I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!