Thursday, August 19, 2010

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #40

Well, I am back! Yeah! But it has been a long and rough week to say the least as other things happened this week in addition to the lightning strike. I think I may share in an upcoming Scripture Challenge. :) But for today, can you believe we are on our 40th journaling topic? Wow! Awesome! Are you keeping up? Are you enjoying it? I pray that you are! So today, let's look at:

**Share something that has strengthened your faith.

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

To see all of the journaling questions thus far, please see my post here. Feel free to join in anytime, and thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed Thursday!


  1. Glad you are apparently safe, Patter. I've just joined your blog readers in early July, and have begun doing the Faith Challenge Journal Questions. (I'm up to #14)

    Eventually I scrolled down on the right far enough to be able to open older posts by month. As of now, I'm "caught up" from your earlier writings to July '08, and am happily re-visiting it for more as time allows. Thanks for the inspirational words and creativity.

    I'm enjoying the links to other sites, too.

    God is amazing, isn't He?

    Take care--Jennifer in Ohio

  2. I'm caught up with your journaling questions, I started with you earlier, so sometimes have to double check to be sure I've not already answered that one. But--don't ask about the 6" scrapbook pages on the spiritual words. I've been printing them off to do "tomorrow". I just finished a scrapbook of a family trip a year ago--maybe "tomorrow" is here, because I missed planning and making pages today. Thankful you are back on line from the lightning strike.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I truly do appreciate hearing from you!!!!

I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!