Sunday, October 24, 2010

{Scripture Challenge 2} Challenge Word #22, Serve

Challenge Word #22: Serve

For those of you that have been following my blog for a while, you may remember that we looked at this word back in 2008. If you missed that study on "serve," please see my post here. I hope you will read it because the truths there remain the same, and they are important. Well, during our pastor's sermon last week, I really felt God wanted us to look at this word again. There is certainly more that can be learned, and I want to share the new thoughts God has brought to me.

Do you feel like you must have an extra-ordinary talent or be able to teach to serve God? Do you feel you were not meant to serve? Do you think you don't have any ability to serve? Well, God's word clearly tells us that He has created each of us to serve Him for His purpose and for His glory. 1 Peter 4:9-11 says "Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." Each one of us has abilities that are to be used for Him. Are you using your abilities for your self-satisfaction or are you serving as God calls and allowing others see Christ in you?

One lady in Bible Study Fellowship shared how she has served her church by washing and ironing the linens each week. Have you ever looked at the altar in your church and wondered when/how the linens are washed and ironed? Have you ever thought that could be a way of serving Him? It is! There is also a lady in my church that is a hairdresser. She felt it was just a "job" and a means of supporting herself. Well, God turned that job into a service for Him. For the past two years, she has gone on a mission trip with our youth to El Salvador, South America, where she cuts the hair of the children in the orphanage. She said at first she felt isolated from the rest of the group from our church. She wasn't out there repairing buildings, doing construction, or anything "big." But guess, what? She was doing something big. She was serving those children and shining the light of Christ as she cut their hair. These precious children have never gotten a "real" haircut. The first year, it was the girls that were excited to have their hair done. The second year, even the boys were lined up waiting with excitment to get their hair cut. She now views her "job" as a special service to Him. It is no longer a job but a joy and blessing. What could God be calling you to do that you think is just an "ordinary job." Could it be washing linens? Could it be washing the sheets and burp cloths in the nursery each week? How about driving an elderly church member to service each week? Oh, there are so many "ordinary" opportunities out there that God will use for His glory! Ask Him how you can serve Him this week and in the months ahead! How exciting it will be to see where He leads you!

For my page this week, I used two ODBD stamps--the Brocade Background (stamped in VersaMark behind the Scripture) and the Cross from the Living Bread set also stamped behind the Scripture. I also did not have flowers the correct color so I used 3 different colors of distress inks to color each flower. Definitely an easy way to get the color you need. The verse I used was: 1 Samuel 12:24 "But be sure to fear the LORD and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you."
Papers: Webster's Pages WonderFall, Paper Trey Ink kraft cs
Stamps: Our Daily Bread Designs Brocade Background, Our Daily Bread Designs The Living Bread
Stamp Ink: Tim Holtz Distress Ink tea dye, faded jeans, and tumbled glass; VersaMark
Embellishments: Hero Arts flowers, sewing machine, hand-dyed seam binding, Basic Grey brads, KaiserCraft pearls, hemp from Hobby Lobby

How are you serving in the name of Christ? I pray you will look at the "ordinary" things in your life and pray about where God might have you serve Him with those gifts. When sharing your page for this challenge be sure to use Keyword SCRC210 when posting in galleries. Also, please leave a link to your creation here using Inlinkz! To see all of our previous lessons, please visit this post here. I will be back with another study on November 7th. Have a blessed week ahead!



  1. Thanks Patter for this fortnight's word and your lovely art. I like how you placed the letters along the string.
    I enjoyed looking back at the art I created for this word back in 2008.

  2. Your page is simply GORGEOUS Patter!! I really love the colors! Also love the Scriptures of course! Thank you very much!...Nancy :o)

  3. Patter - thanks so much for this beautiful artwork and your study on service. I have spent the major part of my adult life in service to the Lord in leading nonprofit organizations, in missions, church, and home, and continue to speak to others about the wonders involved with that service. Your Scripture lessons have touched my heart. God is using you greatly! Keep listening and sharing your words and beautiful artwork - yours is a great mission! Thanks so much, Patter!
    Kris, Wadsworth, OH

  4. So good to be back to studying these lessons, appreciate being able to take part in this! Thanks for your time and energy spent leading us to "dig deeper"!!

  5. Wonderful word Patter! Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. Patter, :) I know it's been a while, but I'm still hoping to complete my notebook for the 2010 Challenge. :) I'll post them as I complete them.
    Thanks for all you do!! I really appreciate it!


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