Tuesday, November 9, 2010

{Scripture Challenge} Free Books & 2011

Happy Tuesday everyone! Today's post is in lieu of a "Tuesday's {Tip}" post since this does contain a tip but not of the papercrafting nature. LOL!

Anyway, I have to share what happened late yesterday afternoon. I think most of you saw the Scripture Challenge post on "assurance" on Sunday. If you missed the post, please see it here. Well, I struggled with posting it; however, it was truly what God wanted me to post this week, and I am so thankful I followed His leading. Then yesterday I got a notice for a free Kindle book titled "Can I Be Sure I am Saved" by R. C. Sproul. Unfortunately I noticed it is not free this morning. Sometimes these free books are only free for a few hours so grab them when you see them. But it was such a confirmation from God to me that I shared what He truly wanted me to share. I was just full of such joy yesterday as I saw that!! I did grab the book while it was free ysterday but certainly haven't had time to read it yet! LOL!
And I encourage you to check the free book site because there are some great free Christian books offered (both fiction and non-fiction). There are actually several free books and discounted books today that you may enjoy. You do not have to have a Kindle to get the free books. You just have to have an amazon.com account. You can download the Kindle app to your computer, iPhone, Blackberry, iPad, and Android. Be sure to scroll through the entire blog and even to the next page (older posts) because sometimes they are still free, and it doesn't hurt to check them out! I have almost 50 books now that I have gotten for free!! But please be forwarned that some of the free books are books I would never read, and I don't even like looking at the covers. This free site lets you know about free books of all genres not just Christian books!

Scripture Challenge 2011
Next I wanted to address the Scripture Challenge for 2011. I have not felt God leading me yet on what to do for 2011 or even if I should continue. I am praying about it. I know there are many of you that read but don't create pages, and that is awesome! It's about learning to live for Him each day and growing more like Him not creating pages. The pages are just fun and will leave a faith legacy for my children and grandchildren. So, what are your desires for 2011? What would you like to see? What would you partcipate in most? I would love to hear any and all ideas. You never know how God may use you to speak to me. And I truly thank those of you that have participated this year and done so each and every week! You are a blessing, and I pray God blesses you for the time you study His Word.

Well, I would love to hear from you today. Let me know your thoughts. Have a joyous Tuesday, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Patter, I am missing a few and trying to incorporate those into my next few weeks, but I love doing the challenges and like you would love to leave them to my children or grandchildren. So whatever God's leading is for you, I will accept. I will pray for this ministry!

  2. Patter, I've enjoyed doing the Scripture challenges with you. I'd fallen behind quite a ways during our move but am now caught up. For me, these challenges challenge me to grow deeper, study more but to put (not necessarily my thoughts) the verses on paper that speak to me. Assurance has been a good one. Haven't done anything with it yet, but as soon as I read the word the hymn Blessed Assurance started going through my head. At church that night, our youth pastor was just playing his guitar and that song was one he played. I'm thinking I'll be incorporating that into my page.
    Whatever you decide to do for the coming year will be ok with me. Thanks for all you do with these studies.

  3. First I want to thank you for doing this. It has been a tremendous blessing for me. I admit, I am behind and will take time during the holidays to get caught up. Didn't want to do them when I was in a hurry but during a time I could stop and reflect. Whatever God is leading you to do, I support fully. What I'd like to see is maybe taking a bible verse and doing a page about what it means or means to me. I could do that on my own but I find I need the nudge to get things done :) But thank you again for doing this, your time is greatly appreciated.

  4. Patter, You really are a blessing to so many people. I really do enjoy doing the Scripture challenges with you and have been doing so since 2008. Whatever way you feel the Lord leads you , I will accept.
    If you want any suggestions for if you continue next year with a Scripture Challenge - what about one fortnight a woman of the bible and the next fortnight a man of the Bible, starting from the beginning of the Bible and working through to the New Testament. This way we would have to do more reading ourselves to learn all we can about the person you choose for us each time.
    As I shared before.. I accept whatever your decision may be.

  5. HELLO PATTER, I HAVE FOLLOWED YOUR BLOG FOR A WHILE NOW BUT HAVE NOT MANAGED TO JOIN IN THE CHALLENGES ALTHOUGH I HAVE ENJOYED READING THEM AND LOOKING AT ALL THE BEAUTIFUL CREATIONS!I REALLY WOULD LIKE TO JOIN IN NEXT TIME IF YOU DO ANOTHER CHALLENGE. Anythinng you hear from God would be a blessing. I am British but live on an island in the Mediterranean Sea and it is so nice to be able to fellowship via the web!
    thanks for all the work you do for your blog.
    Susan M

  6. Thanks for all that you do, I have been doing the spriture challenge. his holy name challenge and now this years Scripture Challenge - I found for me it brought me closer to taking time to ready my bible or go online to bible gateway. I'm so loving what it is that you do and your blog is one of my favorites. I have watch my Blogging as well as my scrapbooking go from my everyday life and my Life closer to GOD, I lovethat fact that I can record my spiritual faith. Journaling my faith makes me so happy.. I'm also going the My lifetime challenge on faith sisters as well as 52 weeks of blessings, and my GOD is a healer, as you might know im a cancer survior and i thanks GOD everyday for keep his loving arms around me.. Thanks you for all your do.. and from me. I'll be happy with were ever GOD leads you, but creation is what I do.. Love you Patter and your family... bring me such joy....thanks.

  7. I really appericate all that you do. You are a blessing in more ways than you will ever know. Just an idea, how about praise songs. Many of those come straight from his word. They can be hymns or modern songs. I will continue to treasure what ever you chose.

  8. THank you for sharing faith. I only foud your blog last week. and am so happy. (we eamiled each other) Thanks for your ministry. I hope to do some challenges in the new year.

  9. As we all know as moms are lives aren't always our own and so we are put on the back burner until we can get to it. I take notes and when I have a day of my own I try to do several pages. I share my thoughts and reflections with friends and fellow bible study members. It has given me so much more knowledge of the bible and many scripturee I might have overlooked. Thank you for everything and in prayer your answer will come. God Bless.

  10. I appreciate the Scripture Challenge that you have been doing, it is what attracted me to your blog in the first place. I hope it is God's will for you to continue. It must take a lot of effort to do something like this as well as the many other things you have going on in your life.

    As far as ideas, how about choosing some well-known Bible verses that have multiple parts. For example:
    Gal 5:22-23: love, joy, patience, etc.
    Beatitudesin Matt. 5: poor in spirit, those who mourn, meek, etc.
    Prov. 31: noble characteristix of a good wife.

    I also like the idea of the praise songs.

    God will lead you to where he wants to go, whether it is to continue this, or to do something else. Blessings to you.

  11. I would really like to join in if you do another challenge next year.I have followed your blog for a while and have read the challenges and been blessed by them and the lovely creations!I am British but live on an island in the Mediterranean Sea and it is great to be able to fellowship in this way.Will your old posts for His Holy Name still be available next year as I would like to do this also.Thank you for all the work you put into the blog!

  12. This is my first year doing the challenge and I'm having a lot of fun with it! It has really challenged me in my walk with the Lord.I enjoy looking up these words and putting them into papers. I'm sure my children will love to read these cards some day. I also love how you have turned a hobby into something that challenges us to get closer to God! Keep up the good work. You are amazing! I love your challenges!!!

    God bless,

  13. Patter,
    I, too, have fallen behind, but have made a list of all the weeks, and WILL complete my challenge when I can! I am determined!! :)
    I also want to THANK you for taking your time to do this for all of us. Though I have not been able to create my own pages, I LOVE, LOVE seeing what your thoughts are on the topic word AND your beautiful interpretaion of it!
    I believe, also, that the Lord will speak to you and lead you in the decision of a 2011 Challenge. We will all *love* you either way!
    Blessings to you!!

  14. I don't always have the time to check my emails and when I do I find I have missed out on a giveaway or a special. I have been reading your Scripture Challenge and they do make you think. The one for 20011 for me would be to pray for humility and more compassion for those at church and my clients. I want to be used for the lord in my work and my singing. I get my feelings hurt easy sometimes at church when I am not asked to sing solo parts in the choir. I am not young anymore, but I have been blessed to sing my whole life, and want to continue to do so before I get too old to do it. I must not go ahead of God and wait for His timing. Praise the Lord for his Unconditional love and grace. Thank you for your Christian witness.God bless you!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I truly do appreciate hearing from you!!!!

I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!