Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday's {Tip} Using Your Colored Pencils

A couple of Friday's ago, I posted how I store my colored pencils along with my Excel swatch file. If you missed that post, please look here! :) Today I wanted to share some of my favorite tutorials on using your colored pencils. I hope you find them helpful. Here are some great ones:

Blended Pencils by Lydia Fiedler
Coloring and Shading by Just V
Pencil Shading over Markers by Dina

Also, I know I have a few e-mails from people still needing the Excel colored pencil swatch file. It was a WILD week last week, and one of my daughter's may need sinus surgery. Please pray that her 4th round of antibiotics does the trick and we can avoid surgery. Thus because of our week and things going on here, I am behind. I think that is the story of my life lately. LOL! Anyway, I will get caught up and e-mails sent as I work through my piles. Please forgive me.

**For those of you requesting the Excel file, please remember this is for personal use only. It is not to be distributed. Please direct people to this blog post if they would like the file also. Thanks for understanding. :)

Thanks everyone, and enjoy the tutorials. Have a blessed Tuesday!


  1. I'm praying for your daughter so that she won't have to have surgery.
    God Bless,
    Maryellen Webber

  2. Hey sweetie! Thanks for the link! Shooting up a prayer for your daughter! No fun to see your babies sick...


  3. Hi Patter~

    Prayers are going out to your daughter, and for the rest of your family to be able to cope with this situation.

    I ask that you please allow people you know to be of assistance to you, if her surgery is the route the Lord has chosen for your daughter. I know life as a "do-er," I think I see some of those qualities in you! Let someone else provide the meal if it is safe as far as allergies go.

    Thank you for providing such wonderful tutorials on using colored pencils! I still find it to be my favorite form of adding color to something!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.


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I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!