Thursday, November 4, 2010

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #50 & RAK!

Can you believe this is the 50th journaling post? WOW! Have you kept up? How many journals have you filled? Today I want to offer a RAK to all of my faithful challenge participants. Details are below. First, let's look at today's challenge. Last week, we talked about your faith and coming to Christ. This week let's share:

**How do you share your faith with others?

1 Peter 3:15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

I always love, love, love that verse. Share your faith with "gentleness and respect" not being loud and pushy. Such a great reminder!

Now onto the RAK details! :) Because this is a journaling challenge, I am giving away a new Vera Bradley "Hold that Thought Journal" in Cupcakes Pink. Yes, it's pink--my favorite color. :) Anyway, I couldn't take a photo of it this morning because it's just too cloudy and dark so this is the photo from the Vera Bradley site. The journal measures 5"x8" and has lined pages. So, to be eligible to win this journal, please leave a comment here telling me how the journaling challenge is coming. Are you up-to-date? Are you doing the challenge with someone else? When did you join in the challenge? How many journals have you filled? Etc., etc., etc. Comments must be posted by 11:59 p.m. CST on Wednesday, Nov. 10th. I will draw a winner and post in next Thursday's challenge post. Only one entry per participant please. :)

And finally, to see all of the journaling questions thus far, please see my post here. Feel free to join in anytime, and have a warm & blessed Thursday!


  1. Well, my journaling has its highs and lows! Some days I get right on it and others it just gets lost in the chaos...hmhpp that sounds like life doesn't it?
    I enjoy your challenges and bits of wisdom - Thanks

  2. I'm sad to say that I'm hit & miss with the challenges. I do well for awhile and then not so well. Lately, I've been in the not so well category. :( I just need to discipline myself better because I truly do think it's important.

    Thanks for hosting these, Patter.

  3. I have not been able to start my journal yet but that is on my plan list to start this month as soon as I get my swaps all done for the year. I do read your posts and they help me get thru the days. Thanks for the chance to win the VB journal...someone will be a lucky winner!!

  4. Thanks for the journaling questions--I began answering them in my morning journal (where I record prayer requests, verses to learn, daily Bible readings, and other devotional thoughts) and marking them FJQ for Faith Journaling Questions. I'm on #42, and slowly catching up; I started months after you began with them, so have been enjoying the process. Thank you very much for your wisdom and generosity!
    Jennifer in Ohio

  5. Hi Patter~

    I started this challenge when you started it. I believe I answered about the first 4 questions/answers in writing. And, then I started putting a Christian Blog together. I found that I was studying every day. I would read your questions, and ponder them in my prayer time, and at other times. I don't know how you see that as a good thing or not. I think with the amount of studying I am doing to prepare myself for the blog, and the emails is at least as valuable as writing out my answers for the questions. I don't know how you will see this. It is up to you. I think you do an amazing thing here with the journal questions, and the word art, with Scriptures. Just amazing.

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

  6. Hi Patter!!!
    I am no up to date however I have printed out every post along with both of your scripture challenges. I have a dedicated binder just for "Triple the Scraps"
    Thanks for the awesome give away.

  7. hi Patter, I've been following with the journaling since you began the challenge. For the most part I stay up-to-date. I'm a few weeks behind right now but keep the questions in my e-mail until answered. How many journals have I filled?? Ha. Less than half of one. The most I've written for one question would be both sides of one page.
    Have a great day!

  8. Hi, Patter! I started following your journaling challenge on Christmas Eve last year. I have to admit, I haven't been the best at keeping a consistent journal. I would frequently lose focus due to the constant busyness my family seems to have adopted this year. This past Sunday at church, however, our preacher told a story about how his wife would go to the local coffee shop to sit and have tea with God. I love that! I've always tried to have my quiet time with God first thing in the morning, but with a teen and a preschooler in the house I can never seem to find the quiet! LOL Getting away from the noise and bustle of the day is definitely something I can do, and who better to share a cup of tea with? This would give me plenty of opportunity to sit and journal as well. Thanks for taking the time to post these challenges. I look forward to continuing with you, and I'm anxious to see just how many journals I can fill now!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I truly do appreciate hearing from you!!!!

I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!