Sunday, February 13, 2011

ABC Scripture Challenge {Word #4}, Delight

Challenge Word #4: Delight

I found it interesting as I began studying this week’s word. I noticed that the word ‘delight’ was repeated over and over again in Psalm 119. So, as I researched, I found that Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible and almost every verse mentions God’s Word and how we are to delight in it. A few wonderful verses include:

Psalm 119:16 “I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.”
Psalm 119:24 “Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.”
Psalm 119:35 “Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.”
Psalm 119:47 “for I delight in your commands because I love them.”
Psalm 119:77 “Let your compassion come to me that I may live, for your law is my delight.”

I encourage you to read Psalm 119. There are 22 sections based off of the Hebrew alphabet. Maybe you could read a section a day for 22 days. Now that certainly would help get everyone in the daily habit of reading God’s Word and delighting in Him! defines ‘delight’ as “something that gives great pleasure; joy.” My Life Application Bible describes it as this—“To delight in someone means to experience great pleasure and joy in his or her presence. This happens only when we know that person well. Thus to delight in the Lord, we must know Him better.”

In whom or in what do you delight? Your computer time? Shopping? Spending time with friends? Or do you delight in God? None of the things I have listed here are bad; however, if we delight in them more than we delight in God, then they certainly become our idols, and God is no longer our delight. The things we do, the people we interact with should all help in building our faith. If not, they can hinder our growth in Christ. But we must also be out in the world sharing Him with non-believers. We just need to be aware of how we can fall and ask for God's protection as we minister to those that do not know Him. We will be blessed as we try to obey God’s word and live for Him each day. As I was studying, one of my favorite hymns came to my mind which is taken from Psalm 1:

Blessed is the Man (v.1)
Blessed is the man,
the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly;
blessed is that man.
He who rejects the way, rejects the way of sin
and who turns away from scoffing:
blessed is that man.
But his delight, by day and night,
is the law of God Almighty.

Is your delight God and His Word? Where are you seeking counsel—friends or His Word? And do you know that God delights in you too? He delights in us as we read His Word and obey it, when we follow Him, glorify Him, etc. Zephaniah 3:17 (NIrV) says “The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty enough to save you. He will take great delight in you. The quietness of his love will calm you down. He will sing with joy because of you.” Isn’t that beautiful? Some of you may know the contemporary song based off of that verse also. So, this week will you commit to delighting in Him and reading His Word? I know I have mentioned that I have been down lately but reading His Word and studying His Word puts me right where I need to be. There is nothing else on this earth that will bring us such great joy and delight!

For my page this week, I used three of Our Daily Bread Designs stamp sets: Scripture Series 1 for the scripture, Easter Blessings for the 'repeated delight', and Brocade Borders to divide the two scriptures on my page. I also used some older Memory Box papers that I just love along with some new trims and butterflies I got on clearance. The scriptures I chose were Zephaniah 3:17 and Psalm 119:16 (both listed above).
Papers: Memory Box Sweetbay, Paper Trey Ink distressed dots and cs
Our Daily Bread Designs Stamp Sets: Scripture Series 1 (scripture), Easter Blessings (repeated 'delight'), Brocade Borders
Stamp Ink: Memento rich cocoa
Embellishments: A Million Memories lace trim & mini butterflies, Zva Creative pearl flourish, Paper Trey Ink just the ticket border die

Enjoy your studying and reading of Psalm 119! :) Please be sure to use Keyword ABCSCRC11 when posting your creations in any online galleries. Also, please leave a link to your creation here using Inlinkz! To see all of our previous lessons, please visit this post here.

Have a blessed week ahead, and remember to delight in Him daily!



Tami Grandi said...

I LOVE this! Zephaniah 3:17 is "my" verse- it has become something to cling to in those moments where I feel as if I am not enough- to realize that he delights in me and takes such great pleasure in me- and that I can reciprocate that- WOW (it's also "my" verse from that stamp set- I suggested it so it's fun to see someone besides myself use it).

Grace said...

What a great page Patter! I love the Scripture you used! It still amazes me to think that He takes great delight in me!!! TFS!

Betty: Reflections with Coffee said...

Patter, the whole Psalm is about (1) his Word, (2) what we do with them (law, commands, teachings, precepts...) and (3) how it affects us. Beautiful page that you made!

Krystal De Leeuw said...

What a beautiful study. Thank you so much for your efforts. I love all the scripture references. So interesting about Psalm 119. Your page is absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to play along. I still have do finish "confidence" and then I will be caught up.

amylynne said...

Wow....beautiful page! Thanks so much for doing this. I am hoping to catch up at some point in time. This is a blessing!

Sandee Shanabrough said...

Love this Patter!!! Your pages are always so beautiful and inspiring!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Your page is so pretty. I like all the lacy bits and the cute little green butterfly.
Also thank you for some good teaching.

Nancy said...

Your page and sharing are such a blessing Patter! Thank you for all you do!...Nancy :o)

Traci S. said...

Oh, Patter~

I am so delighted to see that you chose the word "Delight" for the letter "D." There really are no coincidences in life. I am so amazed that He is delighted in me/all of us! It is a beautiful piece you wrote...and your page is magnificent! I love the flowers, and the Scriptures are really a major focus. That flower on the right is amazing, really. And, I love how you stacked the word, "Delight" in the bottom corner. Just a beautiful page!

He IS Able,
Traci S.

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