Thursday, April 28, 2011

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #72

As I watched the horrific storms on the news last night and then have heard about the tremendous loss of life this morning, it made me wonder:

**Share about a storm in your life and how God helped you through it.

Matthew 8:23-25 "Then He got into the boat and His disciples followed Him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke Him, saying, 'Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!'"

I pray that in any storm, whether a literal storm or a difficult time in your life, that you will call out and cling to our precious Lord in all things. And remember, to find all previous faith journaling questions, please see this post here. Have a blessed weekend, and may God cover the storm-torn areas with His love, peace, and comfort! Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. We were sitting in the midst of these storms for the past 3 days. . tornado warning after tornado warning, late into the night each night. But Praise Him, He brought us through untouched. We live in rural Mississippi and the only warning of severe weather was my laptop and a link to a live feed from a Memphis tv station. They also had a chat session. I was able to talk and comfort several women who were alone with children. I could empathize as I am a widow raising my oldest grandchild. I look back on the "storms" I have had over the past 7 yrs since John's death and think about how different my life was then. But I give God the glory; as difficult as that "storm" was - I have a rock - Jesus Christ. I have been drawn so much closer to the Lord. He is my refuge. He is my strength - without Him I can do nothing - with Him I can do everything. I pray for the others who have been touched by these physical storms and hope you come out of the boat - walk on the water with Jesus. He is the way - the only way! Praise His blessed name. Love ya Patter. Have a great day - the sun is shining in Mississippi this moment. lol


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