Thursday, May 26, 2011

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #76

Okay, the verse below has been shared twice this week, and I really feel God is using it to speak to me as my husband and I wait for an answer. So, today is the perfect day to share:

*Share a time when God gave you His perfect peace.

Isaiah 26:3You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.”

Remember, to find all previous faith journaling questions, please see this post here. May God fill you with His perfect peace today as you focus on Him and not the things that may be going on around you! Blessings,


  1. I often reflect on the thIngs going on in the world and listen to the conversations a work and it makes me take a deep breath and thank GOD for that PEACE HE gives me because i know HIM~~~~ THUS, I DONT NEED TO DISPLAY THEIR ACTIONS~~~

  2. I've been following your blog for a few months and wanted to say THANK YOU! You are inspirational and help me remember that He is there for us, even if we dont ask.
    My husband and I both grew up in different churches and with families that have different feelings about what religion "is". We've been married for almost 8 years and other then our wedding never attended church. Recently he came to me and asked if I would attend a church with him. He had found it through a friend by joining him for bible study a few times. I was a little nervous at first, but said yes and that I'd go to the weekly bible study with him too. We've been going for a month now and I can not tell you the PEACE it has brought to our marriage and family. Our children are learning that God does love them and how to lead good christian lives and my husband and I are becoming closer then we ever thought possible.


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