Thursday, June 16, 2011

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #79

Yesterday, two of our Papillons got loose from the backyard. They were lost and scared, and I prayed and prayed the entire time my husband and I were looking for them at 4:45 a.m. So, today's question:

*Describe something that you have lost and how God helped you find it.

I am thankful to say that only through God's amazing grace did we find our precious puppies and that miraculously our third dog stayed in the backyard and did not follow the "little guys"! I give Him all of the glory!

Luke 15:9 "And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.'"

Remember, to find all previous faith journaling questions, please see this post here. May you enjoy spending time in God's Word! Blessings



  1. We sure get attached to our pets don't we. Years ago I entered a show rabbit at the county fair and even though the cage was locked someone broke it and stold my bunny! I was heart sick and worried for her. I too prayed that she would be recovered and God answered my prayer.

  2. Not too long ago my grandson, who I am raising, was lost to me - only because I didn't know he had gone off to find his dog - Lily. Lily is an escape artist and had wandered off but it was at night and we live in a rural area. Logan thought nothing of following along behind her thru the woods and brush. I had no clue what they were doing until I realized they had been gone outside for a good amt of time - then when I called and no answer - oh my. I was frantic as I prayed and looked for them. I, too, gave God all the glory as I tried to explain to him the "what could haves" of his actions.

  3. i lost my daughter, not literaly lost but lost in the spirital/emotional sense. this happened during her teen years.. oh so hard.. and she still barely speaks to me. I pray to God each and every day to bring her back to me. God has been working hard, she will now answer my phone calls sometimes, tells me she loves me when i say it first. if i keep having faith, with God's love and mercy, she will return, mature and healed.


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