Friday, July 15, 2011

{RAK} Winners & Coupon

Good Friday morning everyone! You will want to read the whole post as there are two additional things I am posting today--a "wild card" winner for the RAKs so I am now giving away FOUR gifts, and a coupon for Hug Snug! If you don't know what Hug Snug is, keep reading. :) But first, let's get onto our RAK winners.

RAK Winners
I must say, I was humbled by the comments and then actually asked God for His forgiveness as I wanted Him to get all of the glory--not me. I cannot touch the glory. It all belongs to Him. I thanked Him that He let me see a glimpse into how y'all have used the Scripture Challenges over the years. To be honest, I was actually surprised at the number of you that said it was your favorite posting! While I am so thankful it is, I wasn't sure more than a handful of you are reading them. He told me back in 2007 when He called me to do these challenges that He would take them far and wide, and that I wasn't to worry about where they went. I totally trusted that but sometimes have questioned whether He wants me to continue them. Your comments and a few other things He has shown me, tells me He does want me to continue writing and posting them. I am SO thankful because they bless me tremendously! Thank you for your sweet words and sharing how God has used those challenges in your lives and the lives of others. I am humbled and blessed beyond words!

Hmm, didn't I say I would post the winners? Gracious, I need to quit talking, and let's see what came up with this morning. Our 3 winners of the prize packs are:

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-07-15 10:25:37 UTC

And those winning numbers belong to:

#16 Anonymous (Jennifer in Ohio) said...
Amen to all of the above! Congratulations on making a positive influence in what can become a gift to the world or can be a source of unreasonable pride and angst: our creativity. God is obviously central to your existence, and I love many of the posts.
Some topic suggestions: how to organize a series of layouts into actual scrapbooks since some of us are working on recent photos as well as our stash of pictures from earlier in life (or the lives of our relatives), how to arrange finished cards and store them until we give or send them, how to earmark some photos or subjects that inspire me far more than others, and keep track of a growing collection while putting it to use rather than just accumulating papers and embellies. May our marvelous Lord bless you mightily today---Love, Jennifer in Ohio
July 12, 2011 6:58 AM

#107 Lori C said...
Hi, Patter! First, I want to thank you for being such an inspiration... I love your blog! The Scripture challenge is one of my favorites, as well as your organizational tips. I feel so blessed to have found your blog. Thank you so much for sharing!
July 12, 2011 9:05 PM

#128 Jonia said...
Patter how cool is this! With all you got going on and you still have time for your followers! Thanks for all you do and most of all for the scripture challenges as they are what got me started!
July 13, 2011 3:51 PM

I will let the boxes be a surprise so I am not going to tell you which prize pack you will receive. Eeek, I love surprises! I pray you do too!!!! :)

Oooh, and did I say I had a 4th winner? I sure do!!! I let draw another number, and that number goes to:

#100 Tamrah T. said...
Organizing is stewardship! There are so many ways you've shown how to organize. I love, LOVE your examples!! And you have been been such a great blessing in each and every post! Thank you for sharing your light!!
July 12, 2011 6:55 PM

Tamrah, here is the "Stamping Pack" you will receive:

Fun, fun, and HUGE congrats to all of you! Please e-mail me with your snail mail address so I can get these off to you. :)

Hug Snug
Now onto Hug Snug. You can see some of it in the baggie in the photo above that will be headed Tamrah. The Hug Snug she is receiving has not been colored or crinkled yet. If you remember, Hug Snug is what a lot of us use to make crinkled ribbon. You can see my post here.  Well, normally I just use the ecru or white Hug Snug and color it. Well, Sew True has a lot of the colors on clearance for $4.75 per 100 yard roll! That is 50% off the normal price PLUS they have free shipping through 7/18/11! Use coupon code "11H71F" to get free shipping. I have ordered from them several times, and I have always had great service.

What I now love about purchasing the Hug Snug in colors is that I can just add one color to make it multi-color or I can just add Glimmer Mist Pearl to add a little sparkle and to get it to crinkle well. Look at this that I have colored with the pearl Glimmer Mist for an upcoming class:

So gorgeous! It's hard to see the shimmer in the photo but it is pretty! :)

Also, a lot of you in your comments had questions and great suggestions. I will be doing a post addressing all of those in the next week or two. And so now, I will end this long post. HUGE congrats again to the four blessed winners, and I hope some of you enjoy the Hug Snug information and can use the coupon code. Have a blessed Friday and weekend ahead!


  1. Congrats winners, you lucky ladies! ;)

    Patter, it doesn't surprise me at all that you got so many comments saying the Scripture challenge postings were favorites...they are HUGE blessings! I hope to see them for many years to come on your blog. :)
    - April

  2. I'm glad that the Lord is speaking to you through our comments. Yes, please keep keeping on. You are a blessing to so many. Congratulations to your winners, and thanks so much for the free shipping coupon, I'll be using it for sure as well as checking out your tutorial. I didn't think to add shimmer mist to the seam binding. Thanks for sharing all that you do Patter. And thanks to your husband and your daughters for sharing you with us. ~ Abby

  3. Congrats and blessings to all the winners and thank you Patter for all your creativity that you share with us. To God be the glory!!

  4. YAY! Congratulations to all of the winners! Thanks so much for the info on the Hug Snug! I just placed an order! Have a blessed weekend Patter!...Nancy :o)

  5. Oh my Goodness I am so excited. I just found out that I won by a message on my blog from Nancy! Thanks so much Patter for your creativity and your loyalty to our Lord! You are a remarkable person!

  6. Thank you very, very much! I have received the RAK, and it is even prettier than in the picture. I've begun trying the Holy Bible rubber stamp with various inks and papers,
    and haven't been able to actually tear out any of the gorgeous papers yet, because pawing through them and imagining is still FUN!!! These colors and textures are yummy....I hope to use them well (am still re-organizing my various crafting items, and will see what works with what, & where). Thanks very much---Jennifer in Ohio


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I truly do appreciate hearing from you!!!!

I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!