Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A {Triple RAK} to My Subscribers!

As of last night, I have approximately 1578 subscribers. Now that does not count those of you reading in other readers I cannot track. I have also had 833,801 hits since I started my blog in 2007! Wow, 1 million hits isn't too far off. How fun! But I can only give Him the glory! He takes His words where He wants them to go, and for that I am blessed and humbled. Anyway, I thought I would interrupt my usual "Tuesday's {Tip}" post and offer 3 RAKs--yes, a triple RAK!  I appreciate my blog readers though sometimes y'all are quiet. LOL! :)

So to get you talking, you must share a comment today--a favorite post over the years, a favorite theme, whatever. Or you can say what you would like to see in a future post--an organizational idea, Tuesday tip idea, art journaling, anything! Leave your comment by Thursday, July 14, at 11:59 p.m. Central, and you will be entered in a random drawing to win one of these THREE RAKs:

The Pink Paislee Pack

The SEI Pack

The Bo Bunny Pack

All items in each RAK are brand new!!! I will post the 3 winners on Friday, July 15th. So, good luck to all of you! Can't wait to see who the winners are! Blessings,


  1. I love your Scripture Challenges! And your new Art Journaling posts have peaked my interested to try something new that's way-out of my comfort zone. Thanks for your regular posts!

  2. WOW Patter! Those are quite the numbers...but no surprise really! Congratulations to you on reaching them!
    I just have to say that I am really enjoying my second year of your Scripture challenge! It's why I started blogging in the first place, and it's been a wonderful blessing in my life. Thank you very much!...Nancy :o)
    Oh dear, am I the first? Number 1 NEVER wins! lol I hope you turned your filter back on! :o)

  3. I just love this website....I have been doing the ABC scripture challenge....Thanks for all that you do here....Lyn

  4. Congrats on your numbers friend !! I'm not surprised you are one talented lady :)!! I love following your work it's very inspiring !!

  5. I agree that the Scripture challenges are wonderful. They've been a blessing. I also really appreciate the organizational stuff. Tomorrow, Lord willing, we being our drive back to France from Romania and once there my craft room awaits :) I've saved a mess of your tips and can't wait (although I'll have to for a bit!) to get started.

    Bless you dear sis. And thank you -- don't grow weary in well-doing. He's using you! xoxo

  6. I love your cards1! I love your style!! The scripture challenges are great.

  7. I always follow your Scripture Challenges, I do them with my 16yr old daughter. Thank you so much, as that allows special time for us.

    Thank you so much for the chance to win! And Congratulations to you!

    God Bless You.

  8. I do so enjoy the scripture challenges and your sharing of life with us. My favorite story was while exchanging the outdoor umbrella ,having you find the wind chimes with a favorite verse on it.God shares with us each day in so many ways . Best wishes on your many visitors.

  9. Wow Patter, that's wonderful. The Lord has truly blessed you through your blog. In turn we are blessed. I love everything about it, all the tutorials, storage ideas, mostly the scripture challenges and the devotionals that go along with it. I appreciate you and all that you offer here. Thanks for this generous giveaway. ~ Abby

  10. Patter, I enjoy very much following your blog! I found it intially while I was looking for Christian Scrapbooking ideas. I LOVE your Scripture challenge as well as the journaling one.
    I am thankful for your time and brillant creativity!!!
    And it is all returned in your many friends and followers!!
    God Bless, Patter! and please keep it coming!!

  11. Patter, It is so difficult to choose only one thing I like about your site. Like everyone else,I am always inspired by the Scripture challenges but i love Tues. tips mega bunches too. I wish I had the confidence to jump into something like art journaling but I'm not there yet! I'll just keep reading your blog and being motivated to try new things.

  12. I'm one of the ones that reads every post and is quiet. Shame on me!! I enjoy seeing all the projects that you make for your DT positions. You are so generous!!

  13. Congrats on these numbers. I sooooo appreciate that your heart shows through in all that you do, and that you are using your gifts through your talents to point others to a more creative life and walk with the Lord. Love it. Big hugs!

  14. I'm one of your "quiet" blog readers, but I want you to know how I value the inspiration I get from you! And I so appreciate your giving God the glory for all you do. I would love to see some ideas on how to organize my paper, ink pads, stamps, INEXPENSIVELY!

  15. Patter - I know that your scripture challenge has been an inspiration to me this past month. I am trying not to be depressed with some circumstances in my life and the scripture challenge has gotten me back into the bible. Thank you so much.

  16. Amen to all of the above! Congratulations on making a positive influence in what can become a gift to the world or can be a source of unreasonable pride and angst: our creativity. God is obviously central to your existence, and I love many of the posts.
    Some topic suggestions: how to organize a series of layouts into actual scrapbooks since some of us are working on recent photos as well as our stash of pictures from earlier in life (or the lives of our relatives), how to arrange finished cards and store them until we give or send them, how to earmark some photos or subjects that inspire me far more than others, and keep track of a growing collection while putting it to use rather than just accumulating papers & embellies.

    May our marvelous Lord bless you mightily today---Love, Jennifer in Ohio

  17. Congratulations! You do beautiful work. God has truly blessed you.

  18. I love all of your organizational tips! I have taken several of your ideas and used them in my scrappy space. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with all of us!

  19. I've only just started reading your blog and am enjoying your faith-based postings. I look forward to reading more!

  20. Patter - Love your love and spirit for the Lord! Your words have helped me beyond messure, sometime I may let you know the full story. But for now please know you are a blessing by always pointing to our Dear Savior! I also love your organizational tips - that is how I found the items from Stampin Things by Sue Nagel. She is a gem and I ordered several items from her. Congratulations on your blog!! God's Blessings - Rhonda <><

  21. Congratulations on these numbers Patter!!! Isn't it amazing how many people God has allowed you to touch through this blog! Your blog totally brings Him glory and honor and I know your challenges have led many into the Word~ thanks for being such a shining light in this world!!!

  22. WOW you have quite a following. Yes I am one of the silent ones. I love your ABC Scripture Challenge and all of your organizational tips.

  23. Hey Patter! I am partial to the stamped flowers tutorial that first brought me to your blog. More tutorials that are simple and easy would be great!

  24. Patter, the things I appreciate most about your blog is your clear, Christian witness and love for the Lord. That shines thru in all you do and is the foundation for everything else. I've followed your blog a long time now and I think my favorite topics are the organizational tips, the glimpses into your family's life and the inspiration of your gorgeous cards. Thanks for sharing so much of your life with all of us.


  25. I was so happy and so blessed to find your site. From one Christian to another it is welcoming to find someone who shares the same things that I LOVE!! I love all your ideas as well as your scrapbooking. This is very generous of you to give away these wonderful scrapping items. I hope I will be chosen to recieve one of them. Have a Blessed day,
    Brenda Gallant

  26. I have so enjoyed your blog! It has been such a joy to read your post! I would love to see more scripture challenges in the future!! I pray God's blessing on all you do!!

  27. Wow, that is pretty amazing! Congrats! I would have to say that my favorite posts are the organizational posts. I particularly have liked the Nestie/Die organization. You always have such great ideas for organizing :D

  28. It's no surprise to me that you have so many visitors, but don't be offended that things are often times quiet. It's not all that unusual when folks like you post such beautiful creations.

    I would however love to see different types of projects using scripture. Right now I'm in the making of a post board next to my computer where I can perhaps velcro laminated scripture verses each week. Of course I have to decorate it with scrap and stamp supplies and I'm thinking that set you are offering will make a wonderful way to make this happen.

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter this WOW! drawing.

  29. Wow! You have come a long way with your blog! Proud of you scrappy sister!

  30. to repeat what many others said, your witness for Christ is a blessing to everyone. Along with that I love your organization tips, your scripture challenges, and your work. You radiant Christ's love - keep it up!

  31. Isn't it fun to see these high numbers - congratulations! I have enjoyed all your organization hints, along with the new trend art journeling! Thanks for posting~

  32. I just love the organizational tips. Who can't use those but my favorite is the scriptures you share and how you bring them to life in your own life experiences. You keep the good Lord alive for all of us. Thanks.

  33. I love your "tip" emails - they help me branch out and try new things! But I read them all for inspiration. I use Google reader so you might not be able to track me!

  34. Congratulations on your numbers, your blog is so deserving. I too have enjoyed your organizational hints, more please....I love an organized creative work space!


  35. I am realy inspired by your site, its soooooo good to see something "Faith" based. Continued Blessings and congrats on your awesome numbers, its no suprise~~~~~

  36. I'm loving the organizational tips and tutorials too!!! (probably cuz I'm so horrible at it!) Thanks for the THREE RAK's! And yes, I'm quite often a blog reader, and not commenter, but I'll try to work on that!

  37. I'm afraid I'm one of those that doesn't comment much. Congrats on the high numbers. I can't pick just one thing on your blog, I love it all. Your organisational posts are one of my favorites.

  38. I love, love your organizational tips & your Scripture challenges. I love visiting your blog!

  39. Congrats on such a great number. I will have to say that there has been no one thing that I have seen that stands out or one thing that I would like to see. You do pretty amazing at covering it all. However the one thing I will say is that you are a breath of fresh air for me every day in my blog reader. Its so nice to see Gods word and His work through us in your posts. There are many days where I literally just take a deep breath when I read your posts. Thank you so much for sharing and God bless!

  40. Thank you for the Christ-centered blog, Patter!! It would be great to see more gift items. You do a wonderful job at all things!
    ~Amy S.~

  41. Hi Patter

    Congrats on all your hits. I love love love all your organisational tips. I would exchange my craftromm with your anytime! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    Have a great week

  42. Congratulations Patter! There are many things I enjoy about your blog. You sharing God's word, your beautiful creations, and your fabulous tips & tutorials. I find myself coming back to your blog, to review things that I may have seen over a year ago. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Tameko

  43. I "discovered" you about 4 months ago and thoroughly enjoy your projects, and your inspirational messages are super--so thought provoking----keep up the great work.

  44. Congratulations Patter! I hooked up w/your blog thru 2peas and have loved reading it over the years. I particulary enjoy your scripture challenges and now the art journaling. Needless to say, I'm now art journaling. Thank you for the inspiration and blessings for the future.

  45. Patter you are so talented and you share such great information that I am not at all surprised at those HUGE numbers...congrats! I love both you scripture challenges and your organizational posts. Thanks for sharing the talent God has blessed you with.

  46. Congrats. Patter! I have always enjoyed your projects! I love your scripture challanges.I am wanting to do more art journaling so look forward to any inspiration in that area! Thank you for the chance to win!

  47. Wow!!!
    I am a quiet reader, I follow via email and find your work fantastic and love the scripture challenges. I would love to win. Thanks for sharing, you are a blessing. Hugs, Kim

  48. love the challenges you host and I get some great organzing ideas from your blog. Thank you for sharing your love of this craft and our Lord

  49. Congrats on such success. I love your organizational tips, but mostly your challenges and your take on them

  50. I love your scripture challenges! I hadn't heard of faith scrapbooking until recently, and I love that you incorporate your faith into your artwork! Thank you!

  51. Patter, I have followed your blog for a couple of years and love all your postings that you do and techniques that you share. I have recently become interested in the art journaling and mixed media, so keep bringing the art journaling posts. Thanks again for all you do and share with us, I would so love to win a rak.
    Blessings to you....

  52. I love everything you post! You are an amazing crafter and Christian inspiration. Everything you make is beautiful, and your care for others is overwhelming! I love the ABC Scripture Challenge, and I am always looking for organization tips. Keep up the good work--and thank you so much for all you do!

  53. Patter, I happened onto your site by accident and am so glad I did! I enjoy the organizational tips, the cards, hints, etc. Most of all I thoroughly enjoy your Christian spirit. The Scripture Challenges really make me think, ponder and search for what I believe and why! You are awesome!

  54. Hello Patter, you deserve all those people visting you and they all are a bit richer as they leave. Your organizational posts are my favorite, but I love mostly everything a find here on your little place in the world wide web. :) Thank you for the chance to win such fabulos prices.

    Hugs, Tina from Germany - eMail Subscriber

  55. Patter, I have been following your blog for a couple of years now and everything you do is inspirational, so just keep up the great work. God will show you the way, you just need to follow his lead. God Bless,
    Linda E.

  56. Congratulations on the subscribers and the hits on your blog. I love your Scripture challenge and I love how you teach us about organization. I have not kept up with the Scripture Challenges, shame on me! I would love to see some projects that are for the males in our lives. I always struggle with making something masculine looking. Thank you so much for offering this opportunity to win a wonderful RAK.

  57. I enjoy your blog and see the Lord blessing you and others through it.

  58. Congrats Patter on your subscriber count AND your number of visitors. It's no wonder, though, because of all you offer to us. Inspiration, card ideas, altered art, tips and tricks. I've been an email subscriber for a number of years and my favorite posts are those where you share your organization tips - especially your swatch notebook. My number one FAVORITE post is the Distress Inks and Sponges revisited last October, in which you showed us how to store the ink blending foam pads with the Distress Inks. LOVE that tip.

  59. I've enjoyed reading your blog for a while now and have enjoyed not only the projects but your scripture challenges. I think my favorite has to be this post though. Pretty butterfly scrapbook page with stitching. Some of my favorite elements used.

  60. My favorite thing about your blog?? Your heart for the Lord and scrapbooking. And how you combine both of those loves in a beautiful and inspiring way. Your year long challenges have always been encouraging to me. My daughter and I are still working on our ABC book! Thank you for all that you share here on your blog. :) Blessings, Hope

  61. Congrats! I am always inspired by your positive thoughts. One doesn't see that on all blogs.
    I love your scripture challenges and have been following for 1 1/2 years (yes, I am one of the silent ones). They really get my thoughts going.
    However, being an organizational junkie, I also love those tips!
    Thanks for your messages

  62. Hi Patter,

    This is my first time to comment on your blog although I have been "perusing" your blog for months now. I just created my own scrappy blog and I have to say that you are a TRUE inspiration to me. I grew up in a Christian household with a father who was a minister and it is absolutely refreshing to find a fellow scrapbooker who is also a Christian and loves the Lord as I do. You are so talented and I have to say one of my favorite things about you is your organizational skills with your supplies and your room. I am the exact same way and I LOVE it : )
    Sorry for the long comment.I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I am one of the lucky winners.
    Have a fantastic day!

  63. I like everything you blog about, but especially the scripture challenge. Thanks!!

  64. In thinking of what I enjoy the most, I will have to say the ABC Word Challenge. It has truly made me think about certain areas of my life and journal about them. It has been healing to my soul. Thank you so much for sharing and you really do make a difference!!!

  65. I'm one of the quiet ones. I love seeing the Scripture Challenges. Thanks for the chance to win.
    annadowdy at gmail dot com

  66. Love you blog! The scripture challenges are very inspirational! I also like the art journaling posts. I recently signed up for one of Christy's workshops - thank you for leading me in that direction.

  67. patter i think your blog is very inspiring i love how uplifting all your challenges are. I would love to see anything you want to share.

  68. I read your blog through google reader (not sure if you can track numbers through that or not) which makes blog reading super easy but makes me really lazy for comments as you then have to go to the blog anyway to leave a comment, must work on this.:)
    as to a favorite post I don't know if i have one of those but I truly love your organizational posts, since how your storage methods have evolved is really cool. I'm also intrigued as of late by your art journals. All of your work is lovely though!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  69. Your blog is always inspiring. I especially love the organizational posts.

  70. I am a subscriber to your feeds and have been for a year or so. I love how you express your faith in your lovely pages. My favorite has to be your ABC Scripture challenges. It has helped me examine areas of my own spiritual life that I may have never even thought of!

    thislittlepiggy5 (at) mchsi (dot) com

  71. Congrats and love your blog. Your organizing tips always help me to get some area of my room in better shape and love your projects! Thanks for the chance to win!

  72. Congratulations! I have to say I enjoy all of it but right now I am especially enjoying the Scripture challenge - the ABC's of Faith as we call them in our little scrap circle. They make be delve into scripture in a new way, explore my faith, evaluate my life and learn more about myself and God. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to encourage each of us to learn more about Him!

  73. Patter, I am a faithful follower and can't wait to read my e-mails from you, they are always inspiring and starts my day on a positive note. I finished a scripture challenge book last year and have it on my table where everyone always looks at it!!!

    I am currently working on the ABC's of faith journal. Thanks for sharing your precious time with all of us.

  74. I enjoy your Scripture Challenges and look forward to your emails.

  75. You know, Patter, I love it all! You help keep my crafty side going, especially the card ideas!

  76. Congrats Patter! I am one of the quiet ones, but I truly love your posts. I was first hooked with your tips and organization ideas, but I also am a big ODBD fan and love all you do with their stamps- you can use them in ways I never would have thought of on my own! Thanks for sharing it all with us!

  77. ok, ok, it's me. I'm one of the ones who ADORES you and your message but kinda lurks in the backround with few comments-LOL! I've wanted to ask you for a while-do you have a compilation of your Faith Journaling and Scripture Challenges in one doc somewhere for easy reference? THis would be so helpful! Have a blessed day, P!

  78. Congratulations on your milestones,It won't be long before you reach the next one.
    I love your blog,I look forward to getting your updates in my inbox.

  79. Hi Patter, I have commented quite a few times, but always know that I appreciate anything you blog about. The organization tips are my favorites, and I always enjoy your photos.

  80. Although I'm not participating, I really enjoy reading & thinking about your Scripture Challenges. My other fav posts are your Organizational Fridays, I've referred to them again & again!
    Thanks so much for the chance win :)
    God Bless
    Leigh Z

  81. I enjoy reading your blog and like the scripture challenge

  82. hi Patter,
    I'm one of the quiet ones but have been following your blog for over a year now. I've taken part in the scripture challenges and now the ABC challenge. One of my favorite posts was the 2011 calendar pages you did. Gorgeous! Loved it so much.
    Thanks for all you do.

  83. Hi Patter~

    What I love about your blog (the most) is your love and obedience to the Lord. It is easy to see that He blesses you as you bless us. I especially enjoy reading your "sharing from the heart"--for instance, I LOVE to wrap my brain around all of the questions and thoughts you pose when you post a new Word for the ABC Scripture Challenge. You truly are blessed with your writing, and He brings many people to your blog to hear what you have to share. I truly believe that.

    I love how creative you are in your organization, and in your art as well...and your willingness to share your discoveries is wonderful! I don't know of a craft that you can not do! I believe one of my favorite pieces of art that you made was a large wall hanging...it had needlepoint of some sort, around the corners...it was beautiful, ribbon, flowers, and I am sure there was at least one Scripture on it!

    Personally, I love how you share about your family, and what a wonderful blessing you are in my life. It was you who answered my questions about the Bible and our Precious Lord, when I first learned of the world of blogs.

    I thank God for you, and remember you and your family in my prayers. Thank you for everything, Patter...including your generosity in this tremendous give-away!

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

  84. I am new to your blog, but I love the variety of ideas, tips/tricks, and excitement you share. Thanks

  85. Hi Patter!
    These stamps look very familiar! :-) It's wonderful to see God working through people to bless others...thank you for allowing God to do that through you and blessing me! I LOVE your organizational ideas and have used a bunch of them and posted them on my blog referring to you here...I'm definitely one of your fans...I can see from the comments above that I am one of MANY. How wonderful to see how you have touched others! I pray it will encourage and inspire you when going through our many trials...love & blessings! Kathy

  86. I love your scripture challenges. I did a "His Holy Name"
    mini and although I haven't started yet :( I'm also hoping to do a mini on the ABC challenge you have going on now. I love your style, your love of the Lord and your art journal layouts are AWESOME. It's so refreshing to come to a site not only for crafting inspiration but spiritual inspiration as well. God Bless!

  87. I love your organizational Fridays, especially the one where you shared your latest method for storing clear and cling mounted stamps. I decided to buy some binders and do it myself! I'm so glad I did because now I can find all my clear stamps so much easier and made space for more wood mounted stamps.

  88. My favorite thing is still the faith word from a few years ago. I was a year late, but LOVED your atc holder so much I did the entire year on my own. I now participate in your yearly challenges and LOVE them. Thanks for all you do!!

  89. WOW those are quite the RAK's!!! So I just found your blog last week. I find you by searching for Art Journaling and Mixed Media and came across this post http://triplethescraps.blogspot.com/2011/06/art-journaling-my-pages-for-this-week.html... I just fell in love with this and added you to my bookmark bar as your newest follower! :O

  90. Beautifful giveaways! I especially like the soft tones in the SEI pack. I enjoy reading about & seeing your faith creations. Would love to see mini albums with different faith journaling themes.

  91. Hey Patter:

    I love all your posts but must say that I have used many of your organizational techniques in my own scrap room. You are truly talented and look forward to all that you show us.



  92. Your scripture challenges are wonderfully done. I also appreciate that you are a homeschool mom. I am a grandmother and my husband and I are raising our grandson and I had the joy of homeschooling him from Kindergarten up till highschool. It was the highlight of my life!

  93. I like your scripture challenges and find it interesting the words that God sends you. Seems like they are sometimes picked just for me, but I guess other people think that also. Thanks so much for sharing all your talents!

  94. I just found this blog. You are very inspiring! I plan to come back often.

  95. I love your cards Patter, they are very inspirational and give me lots of ideas to use on my own projects. Thanks for sharing all that you do with your readers, its much apprecaited!

  96. Love your cards! You are such an inspiration. Thank you.

  97. Patter you are just so sweet and generous!! I found your blog right after you started the Scripture challenges and they have blessed me in SO many ways. Those posts were always my favorites because you not only posted a new word each time, but also your thoughts on it and Scripture that you felt went along with it. I loved it. :) Thank you for being such a huge blessing!
    - April W

  98. Congrats on your blog, and thank you for the chance at a fabulous giveaway!
    My fave post was one I bookmarked a long time back, and it is on your Nestabilities magnetic storage idea. I bought a couple of the QK magnetic binders to use because of the post.

  99. I love reading your organizational ideas AND your Tuesday Tips -- many of your suggestions fit right in with what I need. Thanks so much!

  100. Congratulations!
    You are one of the blogs that I read all the time. My favorites posts to read are the Scripture challenges and the organizational tips.

  101. Organizing is stewardship! There are so many ways you've shown how to organize. I love, LOVE your examples!! And you have been been such a great blessing in each and every post! Thank you for sharing your light!!

  102. I receive your blog posts by email, so count me as one more!

    Barbara S

  103. Patter, I don't think I can pick a favorite. Everything you post is so very helpful. I must say, though, I have really been enjoying your art journal entries. I am even contemplating starting one of my own. I have been following via Google Reader for a long time and look forward to many more posts from you.
    melissa shultz

  104. Hi Patter,
    yours was one of the first blogs I started 'following' and I really love you scripture challenges - I did the 'Names of God' and am following the current one.

  105. Patter I LOVE all your work. I started with your very first verse scrap, and fell in love with your style. It really intrigues me with you having triplets, as I am an only child! Love your love of Jesus, and I love him too and love to give him glory in my scrapping! Thanks for all the encouragment and inspiration! May God Bless You and your family!

  106. I love your scripture challenges. I love to come here for great card ideas.

  107. Hi, Patter! First, I want to thank you for being such an inspiration... I love your blog! The Scripture challenge is one of my favorites, as well as your organizational tips. I feel so blessed to have found your blog. Thank you so much for sharing!

  108. I love all your organizational posts!

  109. I just discovered your blog thanks to Splitcoaststampers. Thanks so much for the awesome tutorial you posted on how to photgraph your cards. I'll definitely be back. Congrats on reaching such a fabulous milestone!

  110. I am so inspired by your blog and your work that it's hard to narrow down the thing I like best. I'll have to say your scripture challenge and the orgizational tips and of course all your scrapbook pages :). Thanks so much for letting your light shine....

  111. Patter I have to agree about the Scripture challenges. I love the organizational tips, scrapbooking. I really love the card catalog you have in the studio. Thanks so much for your encouragement.
    Nancy James

  112. I really appreciate all your organizational tips. Keep them coming.

  113. I Love your tutorials and tips and tricks! I really learn a lot from your blog and love what you do!

  114. Hi Patter!!!
    I LOVE your Scripture Challenges that is how I found you...I love your organizational info as well but I have to say...I bookmarked the posts on Kiwi and Sugar...I have ALWAYS wanted a Sun Conure and I live vicariously through you.
    Valerie Martin

  115. Love to stop by your blog... I started one of the Scripture challenges a couple years ago and still have it on my desk to enjoy...and love the organizational tips too!

  116. Hello sweet little Miss Patter! I'd say you definitely "got us talking" on this post! And I've just GOT to give God some praise when reading through these comments, for using your scripture challenges to touch creative lives for kingdom building! Amen and amen! That's how I found you too so long ago. And that's still my favorite twist on anything you post -- the spirit of the living God working in and through you. I loved your 2008 ATC spinner. And I am truly loving your new art journaling. Bless this sweet blogger, Lord!

  117. Patter, love your organizational tips. And, BTW, fabulous RAK!

  118. love your blog and am always inspired both creatively and spiritually. I have the Bible stamp you show and use it often for carsd for my friends.

  119. Hi, Patter!

    I especially enjoy your organization posts and the scripture challenge. It's nice to see a scrapper a faith who's open about it.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Sckrapk in Ohio

  120. I love visiting your blog for wonderful inspiration. One thing I noticed right off the bat when I first started visiting, is that you are a Christian. God has allowed you to use your blog to reach out to others! You may just be sharing your life, but there may be someone out there who you are planting a seed in. I love visiting and I love your work! Thanks for sharing.


  121. love all the things you do
    Really love the memory box

  122. I've always found your layouts and cards inspirational and amazing. I go through your organizational tips frequently when I'm trying to figure out how to best get my things organized. Thank you so much for everything you do.

  123. Yay! Congrats on all your readers. I thoroughly enjoy your organizational posts and the scripture challenges and more recently I have started the faith journaling prompts. I enjoy that your blog is centered on the Lord and that helps me to remember too. Haven't gotten in to the art journaling but I recently have acquired some of the supplies in a pack, so maybe it will be something I will do. I also like the scrapbooking pages. I do the scrapbook goals on SCS too.

  124. I have just discovered your blog via SplitCoastStampers. I especially loved your post on the Scripture Challenge and the roladex type file you used to organize it. I am so following you (when I get home as I'm not even sure I can post this from work!) LOL

  125. I enjoy your scripture challenge! Although, I don't always complete them I make it part of my daily Bible readings and they are always a inspiration to me. I have them saved for future projects!
    Thank you!!

  126. It is wo wonderful that your Christian blog is reaching so many people. I like your organization tips, and your new art journaling. Along with some friends, I am doing your ABC Scripture Challenge, so that is my favorite thing here!

  127. I think my favorite type of post is when you share storage solutions - everyone fights storage problems and it's so great to find good ideas. Thanks for all the inspiration over the years

  128. Taylor how cool is this! With all you got going on and you still have time for your followers! Thanks for all you do and most of all for the scripture challenges as they are what got me started!

  129. I love your creativity and the use of scripture. Both of these make me happy when I look through your blog.

  130. I have follow your blog for quite a while and just realized that I was not a follower so I just officially become your follower. I enjoy your organizational post and your christian lo. Congratulations on your blog and may God continue to bless you with such a beautiful talent.

  131. Hi Patter - I just love your Organizational Friday posts - I love seeing all of your stuff and how you store it. Thanks for all of the inspiration, and the chance to win!

  132. I absolutely love your organization tips! I don't know anyone as organizaed as you are, wish I was though.

  133. Hi Patter, I guess I'm one of the more quiet ones that receive the emails! But I did want to let you know how much I appreciated your "His Holy Name" challenges. I used it as a springboard for teaching my Sunday School class of girls and they really enjoyed the creative process as well as learning some of the names of God. Their booklets/journals turned out fantastic! Thank you for your continued excellence and inspiration. God bless!
    Much affection, Natalie H.

  134. Thank you for the wonderful work you do, I am new to scrapping, but I am starting my own word journal to help walk me through my journey to the Lord! THANKS

  135. I like the Organizational Friday posts and how you talk about your faith and encourage others in theirs. Thank you!

  136. I love seeing your organizational tips. Keep up the great work of letting your faith in Jesus show in all you do!

  137. Thank you Patter for all of the lovely projects you share, that would be my favorite thing you post. Next to seeing all of your beautiful creations I really like your organizational posts.
    Thank you for the chance to win some goodies.

  138. I wish I had a favorite project. However, I enjoy and I'm inspired by all you post. Afterall, your work is God inspired. I am so thankful, I found you. I am a BSF graduate and when I reitre I will join again.

  139. I know I'm too late for your generous RAK's. However, I wanted to tell you how very much I enjoy your posts. Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us. You have an inspiring mix. I most enjoy your tips & organizing ideas. Thanks again.
    NancyK in WI


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