Thursday, August 25, 2011

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #89

As I prayed each morning on the beach for the last 2 weeks, I realized it is where I have my very best prayer time. I don't know why. I think it's because it's where I feel closest to God. It then hit me, why don't I use an ocean CD for my prayer time at home each day. Oooh, I ordered one, and I am so excited to see how I like it! I know I have heard of others using music during their quiet time too so today, please share:

**When sitting down for your quiet time with the Lord, do you sit in silence or do you play some sort of music in the background?

Acts 4:24b ". . .'Sovereign Lord,' they said, 'You made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.'"

How awesome that He give us His amazing and beautiful creation! If you want to see our Prayer Tree and hear the waves, this is where we go each morning for our prayer time:

Remember, to find all previous faith journaling questions, please see this post here. Blessings to each of you,


  1. Patter, for the most part I am a passive "snooper". I am not too computer savvy and so trying to respond or post is an exercise in frustration. However, I have been following your blog for sometime now and I simply could not sit quiet on this one. My family has been going to the same beach in FL for almost 50 years. It seems in some of my most difficult times I would focus on "the beach is almost here." Because it is the one place on earth where I can compare myself visually to the magnitude of the Lord. No matter how huge my problems seem to be, I can visually draw to mind sitting silently on the sand, looking out at the vastness of sea and sky and know that an Omnipotent God watches over even the tiniest of His creatures. I could go on forever but I know you know what I am talking about. I should have written before but your blog always inspires me. I love the faith challenges even if I don't participate. Reading your commentary is uplifting and I do often refer to those you have done in the past as I lead various Bible Studies.Thank you for your inspiration

  2. Patter, I love music in my quiet time and that's the way I usually spend it but at times I like quiet too. I have included for you a website that has beautiful video of the Florida coast to use during quiet times. I like this website and find it quite beautiful. Scroll to the bottom and there's 4 videos of the ocean in Florida. Many Blessings.

  3. Leah, thank you for your words. I left you a long message on your blog. :)

    peacefulgardsens, thanks SO much for the link. I will check it out for sure! Awesome!!!

    Have a blessed day!

  4. We were stationed on the island of Crete for two years and our house was close enough to the beach to go to sleep to the sound of waves at night. I bought a CD, but have never used it for a quiet time, will have to try that. We just came back from a few days on a FL panhandle beach last week and I enjoyed the wonder of God's vast world and knowing that his thoughts of me are greater than the sands on the seashores. Ps. 139:17-18. Verona

  5. I just love your blog. I love listening t music when I pray. I at one point found myself listening to Chritsian Lullaby's. It is so peaceful.


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