Monday, August 8, 2011

One Bike Ride

What a morning! In one bike ride today, God blessed us with so much of His beautiful creation.  We saw:

*An alligator sunning itself. So far I am better this year. I am staying away. Most of you know that I tend to get a little too close to these guys. :)

*Two cranes in the tops of pine trees making LOTS of racket. They truly sounded like monkeys. He is the white "blob" in the middle of the pine tree.

*We heard a woodpecker pecking but we could never find him.

*And we road along side a pod of dolphins. There were at least 12 that we counted but I could only get a photo of one or two at a time.

*And as we head back home, this is the house two houses down from us. They have a bike cut through we use to get to the path to the beach. :)

Yes, a beautiful and glorious Monday morning. God so richly blessed us today, and I pray He blesses you in the same way in this week ahead! Yes, this is truly divine nature! Blessings,

Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."



  1. What a beautiful post today. Wish I was in your spot enjoying all that this world and God has to offer - instead of sitting in my work cubicle. thanks for the inspiration and making me smile today


  2. what area of the country do you reside? how beautiful. while we were on vacation in Fl in July, we saw a pod of about 20+ dolphin feeding one morning very close to the shoreline. It was so amazing.
    thanks for sharing

  3. Fabulous pictures, Patter! Love all the beauty and the wonderful pictures of the dolphins! Stay away from those gators!

  4. Wow! What A beautiful place. Seeing such beauty could only be created by the hands of god. How truly blessed we are to have such beauty in our lives. Thanks for sharing

    Hugs Julie

  5. I love the book marks. i will have to work on one of those soon


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