Thursday, September 1, 2011

{17 Years} How Can it Be?

Yes, it's another birthday post! Didn't I just post one of these a few months ago? How can my girls be 17 already? Some years this day bothers me as I remember why they were born. It was a very emotional day--an emergency c-section because they thought Baby A had died. Yes, here is my first look at Baby A whom we were told was gone:

The perinatologist did not want to deliver until the next day because he said "Baby A is already gone. We'll deliver tomorrow." Well, God had different plans, and they were delivered immediately not the next day! I didn't even know Him then yet He still had His amazing hand of protection over me and my beautiful Babies A, B, and C! And here are Babies A and B as they went home one month later:

And poor precious Baby C still had to stay in the NICU. The nurses said she changed overnight. She knew her sisters were gone! Poor little precious!

My girls are blessed in that they will always share that special "identical triplet" bond. I pray that they will not only walk hand-in-hand with each other but that they will always walk with our precious Lord and Savior.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Thank you for rejoicing with us today as we celebrate our precious girls. Happy Birthday sweet girls. We are blessed that God has given us the opportunity to watch over you as your earthly parents. We pray that 17 will be an amazing year for each of you and for our family. We love you darling girls!

**Please note: I am taking off today to celebrate with my girls. All "regularly scheduled posts" will resume next week. Thank you!


  1. Happy Birthday, "triplets"! May God continue to watch over you and bless you and your family.
    Patter, my mother's words to you as you ponder and celebrate: "God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform". Congratulations!
    I love the walking away together photo...

  2. Thank you for sharing this delightful story. Congratulations and please continue to share~

  3. This was a wonderful testimony you shared with us. I love the photo of your girls walking hand in hand. HAPPY BIRTHDAY,GIRLS! May God continue to have His hand of blessing upon each of you.

  4. What a wonderful story about your special girls and God's blessings and guidance during their birth and in the years since. Have a wonderful family time.

  5. A very Happy Birthday Wish to all three girls!!! Enjoy your seventeenth year!!! WOW!!!

  6. Happy birthday to your beautiful girls!! (and congratulations to you on your 17th anniversary as a mom.)

  7. Thanks for sharing this special day with us! What a blessing to see the Lord's mighty hand as He preserved the life of these precious ones! May He continue to strengthen them and keep them close. . .have a blessed day as you celebrate these three precious gifts!

  8. You are magnifying the Lord X 3!! What a blessing that you have shared with all of us. May the Lord continue to touch and encourage and bless your family! Happy Birthday young ladies!!

  9. what a beautiful story - yes your belief in God and his trust brought you through. Continue the journey - hugs and happy birthday triplets...

  10. Happy Birthday to your precious girls. Thanks so much for sharing this part of your life with us. What a blessing!! Truly..."The Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad." Psalm 126:3

  11. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls!

  12. Happy Happy Happy Birthday to your girls Patter. Thanks for sharing the story of their birth. It's my birthday today too, and I'm happy to share this special day with them. Please tell them I prayed today for God's blessings to be upon them throughout this coming year. ~ Abby

  13. I follow your blog, and love it.
    Happy Birthday to your lovely girls.
    They are so blessed to have a mother that loves God.
    Spend time with your girls... time goes by WAY too fast!!!!

  14. Happy Birthday to your sweet girls Patter and for sharing their birth date with us - God is truly amazing and is always blessing us with His glory. Enjoy every moment !!!

  15. Happy Belated Bday To Ur Angels . Thanxx For Sharing N God Bless

  16. What a sweet testimony of God's providence and grace in the lives of these beautiful girls. Wishing them a very happy birthday and may you continue to share with them what a miracle they are. Blessings!


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