Sunday, September 25, 2011

ABC Scripture Challenge {Word #20}, Trouble

Challenge Word #20: Trouble

Have you ever looked at your troubles and wished they were gone? Have you ever just had enough? I know as we have been dealing with my daughter’s illness, I have felt that way this summer. I thought after all of the troubles my triplets have had with various health issues since their premature birth that we were done. Then, this summer here came more trouble. Why? Can’t I get rest? I am sure all of you have a similar story—troubles never seem to end or stop.

What do you do when you feel so down and burdened with trouble? Have you ever wished you could have someone else’s troubles? Socrates said “If all of our misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart.” I think that is a very true statement for sure.

How do you handle the troubles you have in your daily life? Who or what do you lean on? For me, I have my precious Lord. Without Him, I know I could NOT handle what happens in my daily life. He enables me to get through. He helps me, gives me joy when I feel down, He expands my time to help me get it all done, He fills me with His wisdom to handle the situation(s), and He holds me up. Can you say that He does that for you to? If not, ask Him, He will! Psalm 86:7 says “In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.

And do you ever feel like you are alone in your trouble? Well God is right there with you. He has a plan and a purpose. 1 Peter 1:6b-7 says “…though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even through refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” And James 1:2-4 says “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Look back at your previous troubles. I am sure you will be able to see the blessings in them as you look back. I know I can! If God blessed you through those previous troubles, you can count on Him doing it again! Have faith, and trust Him!

For my page today--well, unfortunately, I don't have a page today. I am so sad because I am really in the mood to create but I have had a busy two days at church, and then I have to lead the BSF Leader's Meeting in the morning. I still have lots of prep for that so no creating for me today. I pray you understand, and I hope to post all of the pages I have skipped soon!

So, where do troubles in daily life take you? In times of trouble do you look for the Lord and follow where He leads or do you seek your “own way out”? Remember, Jesus will carry you through your troubles.

Hymn “Though Troubles Assail Us” (verse 1)
Though troubles assail,
And dangers affright;
Though friends should all fail,
And foes all unite,
Yet one thing secures us,
Whatever betide:
The Scripture assures us,
"The Lord will provide."

As you post your pages, please be sure to use Keyword ABCSCRC11 when posting your creations in any online galleries. Also, please leave a link to your creation here using Inlinkz! To see all of our previous lessons, please visit this post here. Blessings to each of you as you persevere with Christ in your troubles!



  1. I see you've noticed many of the times our Lord gave us advice on handling trouble-He knew we'd need it!
    It's very hard to praise him in the valley's -I'm so impressed you have!
    God bless you & your family. Love & huggles!

  2. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [26 Sep 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. Patter, thankyou for the words you have shared in your devotional thoughts.
    We are up to #20..... only 6 to go for the year... where has this year gone?

    Blessings to you and your family

  4. Thanks so much Patter! I'm with Anne-Marie...I can't believe it's almost over for another year! What a blessing it has been!...Nancy :o)


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