Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday's {Tip} Grab some Granite!

How many of you use books when you need to place something heavy on top of a created piece until the glue dries? I used to do that but to be honest, it was a pain. The answer--granite!  My parents recently remodeled their bathroom. During the remodel, I asked Mom if she had a left-over piece of granite I could use. Of course, she did, and I gladly took it off of her hands.

This piece of granite is just large enough to place on my paper creations that need to dry with a heavy object on top of them (e.g., chipboard, altered books, etc.). This has worked amazingly for me, and it fits nicely underneath my desk. I just stand it on end until I need it. :)

And before leaving you today, I thought I would share two more photos of our puppy--the cute reason why I am so "quiet" lately. I hope you enjoy him:

“Mom, can’t I come in and help with the laundry?”

“Yes! I caught my prey! But yeah, I know, I have to stay away from Kiwi and Sugar!!”

I hope you can find some scrap granite and begin using it to weigh down those heavily-glued creations. Blessings,


  1. Ooooooh, great idea! I'm always struggling to find something heavy enough to hold down projects! And oh what a sweet fur-baby!!!!!!!

  2. Good idea! Is that adorable pup a Keeshond? Pet him for me, and remember "This, too, shall pass."
    Happy Tuesday, Patter----Jennifer in Ohio

    P.S. Some of us don't even have a cute excuse for not crafting. Mmmm---reading a good book? I'll look for granite in appropriate size.

  3. Yes, Jennifer, he is a Keeshond. He is the 3rd one we have had in our 22 1/2 years of marriage. We LOVE this breed! Blessings sweet friend!

  4. Hi Patter,

    How about resting the granite flat on the floor...you can even rest your feet on it. That way it can't tip over and break your toes! I would hate for that to happen!

    That dog is adorable! So furry!
    I loved just sitting on the floor with my dog sitting while I just ran my fingers through her fur...we could do it for hours. Dogs are a great example of unconditional love.

    Photo question. Do you know what site, or what software I would need to take a bunch of photos and make them into one collage photo...it would be a great way to keep Josh up to date with what is happening with family around here on a weekly basis.

    BTW, you have several mentions on Monday's post at the He IS Able blog...and today on a TV show...which is new...I saw your idea about using the inside of security envelopes! Good for you!

    He IS Able!
    Traci S.

  5. LOL Traci! No worries! I stand it on it's side inbetween my step stool and the desk so it can't fall over! It is definitely not thick enough to lay on the floor to rest my feet on. I am WAY too short to reach that! Step stools are more my "height." LOL!

    And I would love to know what show you saw. Hmmm? And lots of people use security envelopes to make mini albums but I had never seen anyone use it on a background. I thought it was fun to tear it up and use it like that.

    As far as photo software, I would use Photoshop Elements. I use it for everything. You could also do it in Microsoft Word. I do that all of the time for collage stuff! Hope that helps!

    Have a blessed day!

  6. That pup is just the cutest little fur ball. . .oh my, I can see why you have your hands full! What a beauty!! Thanks for the tip concerning the granite. . and I loved the post about the girls and all of their supplies that you're stealing. . or is that the other way around!?! Blessings!


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