Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Giveaway & Some Crochet!

I have taken this week off to catch up on deadlines and to devote time to my house and family. It has been so crazy here that the Lord really put it on my heart that my family is my first ministry! Yesterday I completed many deadlines, and today I began work on cleaning my craft room. Funny how when I get busy it's so easy to "throw" instead of putting things away. I couldn't stand the mess any longer. I am not done but I am praying by morning I will be finished because other deadlines loom! So, today I have a few "off-the-wall" things for you. Let's see what I have:

Pinterest is dangerous. Yes, I say again, Pinterest is dangerous. Eeek! I have found my passion for crochet, sewing, cross stitch, paper crafting, etc., all over again. I want to do it all but of course there is not enough time. I found this amazing afghan on Pinterest, and Sunday night I sat down and started my first two circles. I have many colors to use (pinks, purples, blues, greens, teals, etc.), and I can't wait to see my circles pile up!

They are SUPER fast to make, and I am weaving in my ends as I complete each circle so I don't have to do them all at the end. Fun, fun!

Edited to Add:
Find the pattern here.
Find an AMAZING and free online crochet school here. You will not be disappointed!

As I have been cleaning, I am finding things I have never used or barely used and have decided to part with them. So today, I have this to offer to one blessed reader:

There are 10 stamp sets by Stampin' Up and smART Works along with some Design Adhesives and glitter. All you have to do to enter to win is to tell me what crafts you like to do. Do you love them all like me? Do you have time for them all? What's your favorite? You have until Saturday at 11:59 p.m. Central time to leave your comment. The winner will be posted Sunday. And who knows, I may find more items to give away before Sunday and choose more than one winner. :)

So, enjoy your Wednesday, and as always, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate you!


  1. I wish i had time to do most of them. I used to do cross stitch in college haven't done any since. I try a few but my fav is the scrapbooking. I love to share my stories.

  2. I am soooo proud of you for #1 putting your family first! That was what caught my eye when I saw your post. However, I have been cleaning out my "hoarding" for several months now and it is so refreshing and renewing! It is amazing...please pass the beautiful stamps on to someone else if you pick my name but I wanted to just say ROCKIN' AWESOME to you for this blogpost...I have found some new inspiration because of pinterest and crochet just happens to be one of them...hugs...

  3. How generous of you Patter, thanks for offering these goodies to one of your readers. I love to sew and make primarily tote bags or purses at this time, love to papercraft, stamp, punch, cut, embellish, and combine digital with paper. I used to be an avid crocheter and your circles are almost making me want to start again. Love fabric and paper and am like a magnet to it.

    God bless. ~ Abby

  4. Oh Patter....I can definitely understand your predicament. I love to do all sorts of crafting. I love to crochet and have something going at all times. In the past 2 months, I have just finished up a very large afghan, the pattern being called Wicker. It's gorgeous. I also did a beautiful prayer shawl that was 36 x 72 inches, made up of triple-treble stitches, X-stitches, regular double and single crochet and popcorn stitches. I finished a lapghan from a book that donates part of the proceeds from it's sale to breast cancer charities. I have done some baby booties, hats and baby afghans, and some bracelets, headbands, and adult hats for my grand-daughter-in-law. I am just finishing up another lapghan today.

    I love all the paper crafting, with cards probably being my favorite. I love making jewelry, not so much beading, but weaving and doing some types of macrame for the bracelets and necklaces.

    My son is grown, married, works a full time job, and is our full time pastor at church, so I don't have the opportunity to spend as much time with him or his family as I'd like, but I do have to take care of my parents in their 80's at various times during the week.

    It's the rare downtime that I find in there that I just HAVE to do something with my hands to keep from being nerouvs. LOL Like you, it was easier to just kinda toss things around instead of going thru it all and donating what I could. It felt so good to finally get it finished....which in turn gave me a lot more time to do all my crafting. LOL

    Have a great day, Patter!!! :)

  5. just about everything! I only say just about because I haven't had time nor will I ever, to learn them all! I would love to pick up knitting again, learn crochet, keep up on scrapbooking etc etc. I can't wait to see your finished afghan. It will be beautiful!

  6. Love your circles. Would love your freebies.

    Also can you please post the pattern instructions for your circles. I looked at the blog you posted but am so new at crocheting that I need a pattern in English please? Karen

  7. Sewing is my passion and scrapbook I would like to learn croche but i cant found someone to teach me. luck to all and thanks for the opportunity happy day!!

  8. I don't know a craft that I don't like. It seems like I have tried them all- from counted cross stitch to loom beeding. Now, I mostly knit, crochet and make cards. It would be nice to be able to quit my job and just craft away the hours. Thanks for all the ideas you give. My hubby gave me the tub tower for my birthday and I love it!

  9. Karen, here is the pattern I used:

    It is not in English but Google Chrome translates it for me so it worked great! I hope you can get the translator to work for you. Let me know if not. I could e-mail it to ya in English. :) Blessings,

  10. I like scrapbooking and art journaling. I do not sew but will try any other arts or crafty thing!

  11. Every year, as soon as the weather cools off, I have to pull out the knitting and the crocheting! Please post a photo of your afghan when it's all finished...I can't wait to see it!
    I've never met a craft I didn't love, and I can't think of one that I haven't yet met! lol I used to say that I didn't tat, so I taught myself to tat. Then when scrapbooking became the thing to do I thought maybe I should leave it alone. Well, you know what happened with that! haha It's all just too much fun! Thanks so much for your generosity, Patter!...Nancy :o)

  12. I enjoy sewing, scrapbooking, cardmaking, crocheting and cross-stitching. No, I do not have time to do them all, but I so enjoy them. My favourite is cardmaking and cross-stitching. They are very relaxing to me. Thanks for all that you do.

  13. How fortunate we are that you are giving away such fun goodies! I love them all. I have been crafting since I was a teenager - I'm now in my 50s. I have been papercrafting for many years and just love all the new ideas I see now on altering items. And the vintage look... we'll can't get enough of that. I knit and crochet too... and sew.... agreed... there isn't enough time to do all I want to do. I work full time and find myself crafting every spare minute I have. Pinterest is very dangerous. There are so many wonderful ideas on the site and I think I've "pinned" them all! Thank you for the chance to win! Have a great day.

  14. Patter, you got me started cross-stitching years ago. But this over 40 eyesight doesn't make it easy anymore. My time these days consists of scrapbooking, card-making, knitting, crocheting, and sewing. I hope to some day do some quilting.

  15. I have been crafting since I was a young girl, first embroidering and making doll clothes, then dabbling in metals and clay along with sewing. Sewing was it for a long time, including my kids' clothes and a cousins wedding gown. Later came knitting, needlepoint, and cross stitch. I've tried to teach myself to crochet, and currently I'm fascinated by paper: cards, gifts, desk accessories, decor. Love your blog and your testimony.

  16. I start very young as a 4-H member when I was in grade school doing cooking and sewing projects. As a teen I got to enter 2 of my sewing projects in our state fair. Along the way I also learned to crochet and embroidery. I know enjoy my papercrafting and altering projects. Thanks for giing us a change to win some of your goodies!!

  17. I love card making & all papercrafts. I'm fortunate in that my kids are grown & married (waiting for grandkids now) & I'm retired. So lots of time for crafting & I'm loving it!!! Enjoy yours while they are still growing & at home, time flys by way too fast. Thanks for the chance.

  18. LOL 'Pinterest is dangerous' Totally agree with that! I like a wide range of crafting, cards, cross stitch, simple sewing, decorating, crochet. I'm probably best at 'collecting' since I don't have time to actually 'do' as much I think I can. ;-)

  19. Patter,
    I love to see what YOU do--you are such an inspiration to us all! I love to scrapbook, make cards and other paper crafts. I have also decoupaged, and I sew. I am also becoming addicted to pinterest! I would love to win some "stuff"!

  20. Paper crafts is my favorite, but due to lack of time I've given up sewing and a few other crafts.

  21. Its Funny you menton this as I just picked up my crochet stuff. I was making some flowers for my scrapbook layouts.. Why Buy when you can make them. I must admit, it felt weird to crochet again. But it's like riding a bike you never forget it. I Scrap,Sew,and Crochet. I used to cross stitch and do Plastic Canvas but I do not do them anymore. I think my eyes are not the best for that anymore. I would love to venture into beading... Gosh I love to craft can you
    Looking forward to seeing your afghan..

  22. I love stamping and making cards using the Big Shot. I have picked up some yarn and crochet items to try as well as some fabric but have not even attempted to start playing.
    thanks for all of your inspiration!

  23. The Lord really used your blog today to remind me to put my husband and kiddos first - thank you for sharing what He has put on your heart. That being said...I love all paper crafting and cross stitch. I'm currently finishing up our youngest son's Christmas stocking (he's 6 so it's about time right?). So no...never enough time to do all the crafting I'd like to do

  24. Patter - I appreciate your faith-based blog with crafts. However, like you I put my family before crafts. Technique driven cards, mini albums are my current favorite things to do for stress reduction! If I have time I do 3D stuff too.

  25. Patter, I am a craft addict. There probably isn't a craft that I don't like and haven't done. I used to love cross stitch and now as I am older, my eyes don't enjoy it as well. I love any paper crafts and I enjoy crochet and knitting. I teach knitting at our local college through their continuing education program. It is a lost art that many young people are wanting to learn. Thanks for sharing and blessing us!

    syd egan

  26. Okay everyone. :) I have edited the post to link the crochet pattern and an AMAZING online crochet school I thought some of you may be interested in. Enjoy!

  27. I love the site! I love to crochet, quilt and stamp! Just wish I had more time! Thanks!

  28. gbinette@metrocast.netNovember 16, 2011 at 10:54 AM

    I really only have time for paper crafting and do so for the Holiday craft fairs to help raise money for different ministries. So far this year my health has kept me from doing as much as I would have liked, but nevertheless, It's my passion and God willing I will continue to craft away.

    Thanks for offering some wonderful stuff to craft away with.

    Stamper Gail

  29. I love making mini albums. Actually you were the cause of my addiction. My first mini was the "His Holy Name" scripture inspiration from your blog. Thanks for keeping me in the word even through my crafting.

  30. Papercrafting is my #1 crafting choice but I used to also sew home decor projects and some knitting and crocheting. One of these days I'll pick up the needles again (have a new grandbaby to 'outfit').

  31. Hmmmm....Well, let me start by saying I am 68 years old, so I have had lots of years to try lots of things. I have crocheted and knitted. I have sewn so many things for home and family. (4 daughters and I, and even son and DH; we have all worn garments I have sewn.) I have embroidered and tried other crafts over the years too. THEN MY DEAR FRIENND EDITH TOOK ME TO A SU PARTY. I barely touch my sewing machine any more except to mend something. Yarn at my house is a thing of the past. I am ADDICTED to card making! I have been following your blog for a long while and am a BSF alum. This is a life changer. Your blog is so full of info and ideas - fabulous!
    One of my daughters is into yarn crafting. I will forward this blog entry to her so she can see this Pinterest info.
    Blessings! seamom

  32. I've been missing you and figured you were "quiet" on your blog because of busy-ness. You are absolutely right to put your family first. Not only because it's Biblical but because these years with your girls will go sooo quickly. I know you hear mom's ahead of you on the mothering journey (how's that for a nice way to avoid saying *older*?) say that all the time. But with our oldest married & a daddy and our daughter heading towards her last semester of college & thinking of marriage, I can tell you it flies by!

    I've done many crafts over the years...crochet, flower arrangements, cake decorating, scrapbooking, cross-stitching, sewing, and now card-making/paper crafting. For me, paper crafts reign supreme because there's more flexibility when I make a mistake and it's a hobby that can have a purpose. Using cards as a way of encouraging others is a good thing.

    OK, you didn't ask for a book -- sorry. Thanks for your generosity in passing on things you no longer use.

  33. I've alway been one to try any craft! Have continued to do many of them too. I'll never have enough time for all the crafts but I'm introducing them to all of my grandkids as they get old enough! They all know they can come to Grandma's house to create something out of things! Sue Myers

  34. lol, yes Pinterest IS VERY dangerous!!
    Now as to what crafts I love, well...scrapbooking, cardmaking, stamping, cake & cupcake decorating, party planning & decorating, photography & photo editing, graphic design (the last few were more hobby than craft, but they all seem to blend together!)
    Thanks so much for the chance to win. I sure enjoy & am encouraged by your blog!

  35. I spend TOO much time on Pinterest, but of course I pinned your afghan link and just might have to crochet again. I love all crafts and have time for very little since I am at work most of my life it seems! I do squeeze in card making but would really like to get back to counted cross stitch and crafty sewing. Thanks Patter - God bless!

  36. Hi Patter, I guess we are alike if you love all crafts. I really think I am safe saying at my age I have done them all. I have narrowed them down, (since retirement) to, paper crafts, mostly cards, knitting, crocheting, quilting and jewelry making. Top of the list for favorites is card making because it can be so personal and instant joy in just a few minutes. I can add christian inspiration anytime I want and you can't find that in the stores. Love your blog and look for it everyday. Bless you. Debbie

  37. First, I'd like to say how much I enjoy your blog and especially the sharing of your faith. Your organizing tips have been wonderful.
    I enjoy crafting in general, but have found that I now enjoy stamping and making paper craft gifts the most, especially for my grandchildren who think everything I make them is so cool:)
    Keep doing what you are doing, you do make a difference.

  38. This afghan is going to be gorgeous Patter! I am like you - I crochet, knit, paper craft, paint, make jewelry - I want to try everything! I like to sew too but don't do much of it. In fact, my craft room is so full of stuff for my crafting hobbies that I don't have any room to work. Nor do I really have time for all of them! I have about 15 boxes of fabric - the big clear plastic boxes - and I have already given some of it away. I do landscape painting plein air with oils so those of course need their own special place so the oils don't get on anything else. Lately I have been doing nothing but paper crafting and I try to keep that stuff organized, but with as little room as I have, it is not easy. Now, that is not to say I don't want to win your fabulous goodies - I would love it! Thanks for the chance :)

    rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

  39. First I must say, Stand behind me Satan! Now I MUST pull out those crochet hooks as well! Second, I am in a purging mode so I hope someone else wins. Third, I too am something of a "promiscuous" crafter and frankly, it depends on my mood. Paper crafting, beginning to alter more things, needle crafts EXCEPT knitting (never loved it) and needlepoing (haven't learned yet). Not really enough vision for jewelry making or painting. Most supplies: scrapbooking, card making, quilting.

  40. I wish I had time to do ALL crafts, but alas I am sticking to paper crafting. Making cards and gifts. But, I love that I can
    "mention" a fun crochet project to my Mom and she will have it done for me in no time. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

  41. Like you I enjoy a variety. I"m just learning to crochet & knit. Those circles look like something I could handle. Thanks! Dawn

  42. If it's a craft, I'll try it, painting, cross-stitch, wood burning, stamping, scrapbooking and jewelry supplies to name the major crafts. I give my nieces my extra supplies after I'm done with projects to keep down on the clutter. There's never enough time for my favorites: scrapbooking, stamping & painting. Thanks Patter, for the opportunity to win your 'extras'. :D

  43. Patter these are gorgeous!! I love crafting but other than scrapbooking and cardmaking, I'm only really good at cross stitching!
    - April W

  44. I love to paper craft, crochet, knit, quilling for cards, iris folding for cards, beadwork almost anything that I see I try to do it some I really take a liking to other things not so much but I at least have to try.
    I love all of the examples that you have shown, your work is beautiful!

  45. My favorite craft is definitely scrapbooking, but I branch out into a lot of other ones as well.

  46. I love to stamp and scrapbook, and then do a little of everything else!
    Your afghan looks so much like my Granny's Depression Afghan, only she used black as the background instead of white.
    Amy C

  47. It would be a shorter list of the ones I don't like - my problem is not enough hours in the day for all the fun crafts out there. I could use a 48 hr day - but I bet even that wouldn' be long enough.

  48. hi Patter! What crafts do I love? Mostly card making and scrapbooking but I've done many, many other things as well. At times I go in spurts for what I do. For a while I'll cross stitch then go on to crochet then on to something else. Do I have enough time to do it all? NO! :) But that's ok. Thanks for the chance to win - I'd love to win it since Saturday is my birthday!

  49. Hi Patter. I love to scrapbook, make cards and other altered projects, crochet (beginner and can only do a few stitches), plastic canvas, floral arranging. OK let me make it easy - I love being creative! Thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us.

  50. I love to make cards, but one of my other passions is crocheting baby afghans. I like to crochet in the evening while I am watching tv. The afghans I make are all donated to a local charity, which in turns sends them to Third World Countries. So, I can enjoy what I am making, as well as contributing to a great cause. I also love to sew but I have not had much time to sew in the last couple of years --- I think card making has taken over.

  51. I love scrapbooking, cardmaking, stamping, cross stitch embroidery, hardanger, and cutwork. And I don't have sufficient time to do any of them!

    annesatx at yahoo dot com

  52. Oh Patter I 'do' so many crafts = sewing, knitting, bobbin and needle lace making, stamping/cardmaking (that has taken over most of my attention) gardening, playing the piano, making jig saws, reading.....
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter this draw.

  53. Hi Patter
    I love to make cards, cross stich, japanese embroidery, sew, knit a bit and recently I tried sculpture. I like them all and I don't have time for all this. These are things I tried throu gh out the years. My favorite is card making and I love it.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this fab blog candy. I'm crossing my fingers.

  54. As a kid I would do cross stitch, punched tin, latch hook, and sewing. In college I got into weaving. (I even made two bed spreads.) Since I got into paper crafts I don't have as much time for other crafts. (I have been working on knitting a child sized throw for several years!) I love stamping, card making, and scrapping the best.

  55. Tell me what crafts you like to do. **scrapbooking**

    Do you love them all like me? Nope! I love scrapbooking for me and others.

    Do you have time for them all? Nope just scrapbooking.

    What's your favorite? Scrapbooking

    Monique Fox

  56. I am hooked on scrapbooking, card making, and now altered projects. Of course I don't have time for them all but I try!!! Sometimes I get caught up in my crafting and lose all sense of time, then my son pulls me back into reality!!!

    I would love to win the Stampin Up sets since I can't afford those yet!!

    kbaten at gmail dot com

  57. Agreed. Pinterest is a Danger to us all! It's so addicting! I cannot even allow myself to open it on the computer - I have it on my phone only and must keep the phone downstairs ... I will get sucked into it and spend hours just drooling over food or dreaming about crafts ...

    Hmmm. When I get more time I'll have to clean out my craft room too. I still have 6 boxes that are unpacked and hiding in a closet from when we moved over a year ago!

    I love crafts. I suck at sewing and my mother sold my sewing machine when they moved (9 years ago - I'm still sad about it!). My favorite is paper crafts - card making, scrapbooking, mini albums/journals ... I would craft all day every day if I could but I just don't have the time. I've got a full schedule being back at Uni.

  58. Hi, my name is Cindi and I'm addicted to Pinterest!!!!! And Patter is fueling my addiction with all the fabulous things she pins, LOL!! I love papercrafting, mixed-media art, journaling, painting, knitting and crocheting, beading and making jewelry....just wish there were more hours in a day to create.

  59. You are right...not enough time in a day. I really would enjoy getting back to papercrafting, poetry writing, novel reading, and time to sit for a slow sip of tea while it's still warm...someday when the kids get a little older? ;)

  60. Thanks for the great giveaway! I love all things crafty - and have many started projects to show for it! Unfortunately, there are more "started" than "finished": cross-stitch, quilting, home decor sewing projects, scrapbooking, rug hooking. The craft that I do manage to find time for most often is papercrafting (cards mostly).

  61. I checked out the afghan and I love it. I like a variety of crafts but my all time favorites are crocheting and card making.

  62. I've done others in the past, but my favorite right now is making cards.

  63. Hi, my favorite things right now are teabagfolding, stamping, and digi's. I am a cardmaker so I use all three in my cards. I want to make earrings but alas, I don't have a lot of time for my crafting with a disabled hubby and a 16 year old daughter. Not a mention a 10 year old grandson. I am in 1 online group and I'm always late with my submissions, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

  64. Thanks so much for the blessings in your blog. I truly am blessed by the gems I find in your words. I love all kinds of crafts. I love to sew, needle crafts, papercrafts, cooking, and homemade gifts to give at Christmas time. Finding time??? A group of ladies came together and we are called the Scrappy Girls. We get together once a month and exchange cards - 2. We share ideas, money saving tips, new techniques, and we laugh. We have a wonderful time together. This group sparks my creativity and makes me want to be creative. thus encourages me to find time.
    Thanks again for sharing your love for the Lord!!

  65. I love lots of crafts but mainly just making cards lately.... Thanks for the chance!

  66. Thank you Patter for your generosity! You're such a blessing! What crafts. . .paper crafts, mostly cards, boxes, gifts, frame-ables, tags and digital design. Once upon a time did needlepoint, beading and cross stitch, but that all went out the window when I discovered stamping and cardmaking!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I truly do appreciate hearing from you!!!!

I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!