Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday's {Tip} Need Color Inspiration?

I found a great color inspiration site a couple of weeks ago, and I thought I would share it with you. It is called Design Seeds. Of course I found it through Pinterest, and I really love the features the site has. Look at this amazing palette:

This is just one of many amazing color palettes on the site. One feature on their site I love is their great search feature! You can search on color, season, or color collection. For instance, if you want to use pink on a layout, altered item, art journaling, crocheted blanket, anything, you would click on the color 'pink' and then all of the color palettes containing pink are shown. How awesome! They even have an iPhone/iPad app for $5.99. I haven't tried it but how fun to have color palettes on your phone or iPad.

I hope you enjoy today's tip. I suggest subscribing to the blog so that the Designs Seeds come directly to your e-mail box. That's what I do! Love it. Have a blessed Tuesday!

P.S. Don't forget to enter the ODBD Let Your Light Shine Scrapbook Challenge! We don't have any entries yet, and you can win a $20 gift certificate! Who would want to miss that opportunity! :)


  1. Thanks for sharing this great website for colour swatches.
    I went to add it to my bookmarks only to discover I already had it, so I must have come across it sometime previously.

  2. Wonderful tip! I know it will help with my designing when I get those "creative blocks"!


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