Thursday, December 15, 2011

Art {Journaling} Sketching!

Note: To see today's Faith {Journaling} question, please scroll down to the next post or click here.

So, did you think I had given up on art journaling? I know I haven't posted in a while but I have been absolutely swamped. Most of you know that from previous posts. Well, now that I have a 3 week break for the holidays, I am taking a sketch class with Alisa Burke and getting back into the mixed media fun that I miss so much! Now if my mother or my sister read this, they will probably laugh because I am NOT the one in the family that can draw--my sister is the most amazing artist! God didn't bless me with sketching skills; that's my sister's gift. Well, I know sketching will help me in my art journaling so I thought I would dive into the art I am scared of the most--sketching.

Now, Alisa's class is not one that is going to tell me step-by-step how to draw something but she is going to help me discover what I can do. Everyone is different in how they approach sketches so what I think is dreadful may just be my style. LOL!

After the first week of class, here is what I have done thus far:  I have made swatches of pens, pencils, watercolors, markers, etc., trying to find what I like best and how they work together. Here are some sample pages:

I am using my favorite Strathmore Visual Journal. I am using a 5 1/2" x 8" size journal instead of the 9"x12" size that I am using for my art journal pages. I figure I could never sketch on a larger page--not yet anyway.

So far I have found that I love my new Koi Watercolors. Oh wow! They are amazing and so portable!

And they don't have to be used just for art journaling. I used them on a card yesterday for Memory Box.
I even shared step-by-step instructions if you want to see how I created the card--just see my post here for that. :)

Well, whether your are great at sketching or horrible like me, I highly recommend you just try it. So far I am really having fun! I couldn't even believe I could draw a shell. Wow! Anyway, be sure to check out Alisa's blog too to see her amazing work and sketchbook. Now there's awesome inspiration! Have a blessed day, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I have taken her classes... she's so inspiring u are so so right... she has a natural gift.. she makes it look so easy... yours are great! xo

  2. Love it Patter! I want to take more art to broaden my artistic abilities! TFS


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