Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday's {Moment}

I wasn't going to post anything today; however, when the sun started to come up this morning, I was able to see the most amazing site over the water. It was so stunning that I couldn't "not" share it with you. Here is what I woke up to:

We are studying Genesis this year in BSF, and this gorgeous and breathtaking site made me think of Genesis 1:2 which says "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." That fog over the water gave me such a visual of God's Spirit within me and God surrounding me. He is with me all of the time even when I don't see "the fog." I pray that you will remember even when you are busy and may not remember He is there, He is!!! He is waiting for you to talk to Him, to tell Him your joys and concerns, and to give you His peace that passes all understanding. Have a blessed week everyone and remember your loving Father is there "hovering" over you!

P.S. For those of you that asked if I have new photos of the house yet, I don't. I am sorry. We went on vacation, school started, and it has all slowed down my unpacking process. I pray I have a finished studio for you to see soon because it's driving me nuts working in chaos. LOL!


  1. Good Morning Patter!
    Thank you so very much for sharing your Gorgeous morning view today! I needed that. Unfortunately, I do not have a view like I look out my front window...All I see is my neighbors 18 wheeler parked in front. YUCK!!! He is a truck driver and my view reminds me of being at a truck stop! He is very sweet and he has to make a living so how can I judge or complain...but it is frustrating to have my morning sunrise and view hindered by a bill board truck. :(

  2. Valerie, glad you could use that this morning. I didn't used to have a great view. When we lived in TX, I complained about not having real trees and complained a lot like an Israelite in the desert. It was probably only the last 3 years I realized how truly blessed I was there. Now I have felt guilty but asked God for His forgiveness. He has blessings for me everywhere I am even if I think it's "ugly." It's still His amazing creation, and I just need to look and be thankful. :) Have a blessed day!

  3. GORGEOUS VIEW Patter! :) We get ALOT of that fog here in the Kentucky mountains!I LOOOOOOVE to see it! It TRUELY IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! Dangerous, BUT BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! :)

  4. My goodness Patter, how beautiful. You could frame those photos and I probably would. So thankful God has blessed you with such beautiful surroundings and you can tell just how grateful you are from your post.

  5. Just gorgeous Patter! That's one of my favorite things about the lake... Oct fogs coming off the water! Hope you can settle in soon! I know it takes time! See you when you're ready! We're heading off on vacation soon too... can't wait!

  6. Thank you Patter, the photo's remind me of my home ( MN ), way up north where we camped. My ABF is also studying Genesis, and I am so entranced with it. It is my first time studying it in a class, and it really brings something to my heart and mind! Hope you're week is going well.

  7. Thank you for sharing your photos. I enjoy capturing mist over the water and captured a photo in July of mist over a field during a holiday inthe outback of our state.


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