Monday, November 26, 2012

Maya Road Trim on a New Bible Cover

Aging eyes! Ugh! My eye sight is getting so bad that I have a terrible time reading my regular print Bibles. I have several Bibles in many different versions as I use them for study. Well, now I cannot use most of them because they are just too hard to read even with my bifocals. I do have a congenital eye problem which I think is making my issue worse. Anyway, I decided to pull out an old NIV Thinline Large Print Bible that I use for teaching. I don't usually use it for study but it is very portable and easy to read. I took it to church yesterday as I needed to be able to read it. LOL! I think I am going to start using this as my portable Bible, and I will have to buy some new large print study Bibles. I am going to pray about where God would have my "old" Bibles go as I don't think I can use them anymore.

Anyway, this thinline Bible didn't have a cover, and it drove me nuts yesterday. So this morning I made a little cover for it. I wanted some trim as an accent, and I thought about lace but then I saw my Maya Road Organza trim on my table. Perfect! So, here is how my morning creation turned out:

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And here are the four Premier Prints decorator fabrics I used. The small polka dot is on the inside of the cover.

I can't wait to take it to BSF tonight. It will be easy to read and much more portable than my study Bibles (that I can no longer read). LOL! Anyway,  I hope you have enjoyed seeing my new cover. Have a blessed Monday!


  1. I am 44 and relating to the aging eyes...isn't it grand to know that as we hide His Word in our heart that none can steal it-not even the ravages of time...Blessings to you-you are a blessing to me! Becky J

  2. How beautiful is this cover Patter. I love the whole thing and yes I understand the eye problems.

  3. LOVELY COVER PATTER!!!!!!!! :) So sorry about your eye problems!I wear glasses & have bifocals too & they drive me NUTS!!!!!!!!! :) So, I DO UNDERSTAND some!!!!! :)You STILL DO LOVELY work though!!!!!!! :)

  4. A beautiful cover. Always like your ideas. Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. This is soooo pretty!! I really like the one you made for your daughter too.

    Do you have a pattern or directions you can share, or is there a site you can direct me to? Trying to wing it doesn't sound too comforting to me. ;P


  6. What a beautiful cover!! I love the pink & brown combo and the trim is gorgeous!! I can relate with the reading glasses thing. Ugh! I have several pair tucked away here, there & everywhere because I have trouble keeping up with them. :) I just don't want to go to the "chain around the neck" thing (though I was given one LOL) because *that* would make me feel old. LOL


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