Friday, November 30, 2012

Organizational {Friday} Project Life Card Storage

Well, I had this ready to post for today but as I got ready to link the trays I am going to share, they have sold out! I couldn't believe it! I just ordered them, they got here earlier this week, and they are already sold out. Hmm? I was going to delete my post but then I thought--"well, maybe someone has something similar laying around or maybe they can find it on eBay." So, I have decided to post this anyway. I hope you don't mind.

My excitement was over my 2 new trays from PB Teen. They are called "Wire Crate Catch-All," and they were $9.99 each. Here is the link to the PB Teen page. I didn't think that was bad. They are the perfect size for Project Life cards and my library cards that I use for prayer cards (see here). They sit one in front of another right on my desk, and my cards are so easy to grab and use now. I also have room to spare. :) The larger Project Life cards sit just to the right of the trays.

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The dimensions of these cute little trays are 11" wide x 3.75" deep x 2" high. They truly are perfect, and now I guess I wish I would have ordered a few more. Anyway, sorry that this post is already "outdated" before it was posted. I didn't think a few days between receiving them and posting would make such a difference. :( Have a blessed weekend!


  1. Patter!
    Where do you get your "library cards?" AND what do you use them for? (Besides maybe, cards!) :)
    You NEVER KNOW, MAYBE someone out there can find something SIMILAR!!!!!!!! :) OR JUST MAYBE, they'll get some more in!!!!!!! :) LOOOOOOOOOVE your ORGANIZATION!!!!! :)

  2. What a great idea, Patter. Our daughter-in-law loves all the PB. :) I love your organizational posts because I might not have the same item but sometimes it sparks and idea of what I do have that will work in the same way.

  3. Oooh, I meant to put the link to my prayer cards (library cards) in the post. I will change that now and also add it here:

    There you will find what I do with the library cards and the link to where I buy them on :)

    And Stephanie, glad my ideas are still a help even if you can't get the same item. I guess that's why I went ahead and posted. :)

    Have a blessed weekend everyone!


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