Friday, January 11, 2013

Organizational {Friday} Storing Detailed Chipboard

I have just a quick post for you today as I am waiting on some furniture and organizational things to share with you. Some of my furniture was broken in the move, and we just received our payout to replace my furniture. Of course, NONE of my Scrap 'n Cube pieces were broken. That stuff is the best furniture on the market. However, some of the other pieces were broken so I need to get my replacement pieces here, get them organized, and get them up for you to see. I will be posting a video of my new studio in the next month or so—I hope. :)

In the meantime, I wanted to share with you how I am storing my new Blue Fern Studios {BFS} chipboard. As stores begin to carry BFS chipboard, you may wonder how do you store this detailed and gorgeous chipboard. Some of you may decide to keep it in the packaging and hang it on a Clip-It Up. That would work great! I, however, have decided to keep mine in page protectors in a small, 5"x8" notebook. Here is what I did—

I put each style of chipboard in its own page protector. Each page protector has a scrap piece of paper in it with the name of the chipboard written in pencil in the upper, right-hand corner. Then the chipboard is stored down inside the page protector. The pages are then kept in the binder in alphabetical order by name. Here is a picture of the Organic Vine chipboard:

Pin It
Now I easily know what I am using, when I need more of a certain type, and the chipboard doesn't get bent. This is also great for the designs that have small pieces such as the Regal Ornaments set.  Look at how the centers from this chipboard set stay neatly in the page protector. Now they won't be lost, and I can use them too!

Note that this would not work for the larger chipboard pieces such as the gorgeous Blue Fern Frame as it is 10" square! Awesome! For those larger pieces, I may put them in an 8 1/2" x 11" notebook with the larger page protectors.

As far as my other chipboard, I still store it as I always have in the past. You can see that post here. I did not want to add my BFS chipboard to one of my drawers or bins because it might get bent, or I could lose some of those smaller pieces. I certainly couldn't have that! I also wouldn't know the name of each chipboard design.

I hope this has been helpful or at least gives you some ideas of what to do with your detailed chipboard. Oh, and thank you for your prayers for my mom. She came through surgery great but now will spend the days ahead healing and recovering. Blessings to each of you!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I didn't know you could get chipboard as detailed as that!


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