Friday, February 1, 2013

Organizational {Friday} Simple Stories Washi Tapes

Last week I shared my new storage for my washi tapes. If you missed that post, please click here. :) This week I wanted to share my one spool that contains washi tapes dedicated for my Simple Stories albums.

I created one wooden spool that has my favorite washi tapes on it. I did not label this particular spool like my other spools because it stays in my Simple Stories baskets that I shared a couple of weeks ago. Click here if you missed that post. Here is my basket, and you can now see the dedicated spool sticking up out of the basket.
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This little spool is so easy to grab and take to my desk. Now sometimes I use my other washi tapes in my books too but these are the most frequently used, and it's nice to just have one small spool of tapes on my desk.

So, if you have a dedicated spot for your Project Life or Simple Stories supplies, why not keep a spool of tapes on hand too! Thanks for stopping by. Blessings,


  1. I LIKE those spools, I just don't have any WASHI TAPE! (I know, I'm behind the times! LOL) It looks GREAT Patter! :)

  2. totally love your idea on how to store your washi tape! awesome!!

  3. Love this! I can never decide whether to organize by color, item, or collection. Lol... thanks for stopping to visit me!

  4. I like this idea alot. I keep some go to washi, ribbons and date stamps on my table. The spool would definitely help!


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