Friday, May 24, 2013

Organizational {Friday} Raskog Cart Filled with PL

Today I thought I would share my Raskog cart that I have filled now with my Project Life goodies. I will share what I have in each bin along with links to previous posts if necessary. So, first, let's look at the cart:
Pin It

If you notice, I put washi tape around the edges of each bin. I was going to order the teal cart for my room but thought the color might clash. So, I bought the grey instead. Colorful washi tape was the perfect solution to dress it up a bit and give it some color.

Top Bin
In this bin, I keep:
  • Project Life cards (look here for my storage post)
  • 2 acrylic blocks to use for my PL stamps
  • Zutter Round-it-All
  • Washi tape for PL (see regular washi tape storage here)
  • Scissors
  • 100-year date stamp
Having these items in the top bin makes it very easy to grab what I need.

Middle Bin
In this bin, I just keep more PL cards. I have room for more but do not want it full. :)

Bottom Bin
This bin has several more handy items:
  • Project Life stamps (see storage post here)
  • WRMK Envelope punch
  • Scor-Pal Scor-Buddy
  • Baby wipes (for cleaning stamps)
  • Recycled strawberry basket that contains flair buttons and circle punches for making flair (see post here)

Thanks for joining me today, and I hope this gives you a bit of inspiration. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the comment section. Have a blessed Friday!


  1. LOVE it!!! Every time I see that cart I say "I NEED to get one"!!! (=

  2. Thanks Patter! I have the gray one and was thinking of using washi to "pretty" it up. Now for sure I am doing it, since I have 3 rolls of that exact tape! Looks great!

  3. What a fantastic cart!! I really like the addition of the washi tape. What a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Okay. I
    Am sold on this! Love the grey with the wadi.

  5. I wish I was as organized as you! That is FANTASTIC!

  6. I have one of those on my someday wish list! Yours looks sensational!! I love how you organized everything! I am glad you (and I) shared on the bloggers post on 2peas so I could stop by and visit your blog today!

  7. I love all your organizational posts you are so talented. I was wondering what have you inserted in the trays to divide the card sections or do the bins come already divided?

  8. Anonymous, glad you like the storage. To divide the cards, I put the trays from the Project Life Editions down into the Raskog trays. They fit perfectly and everything stays neat and tidy. :) Hope that helps. Blessings,

  9. holy wow, that's a lot of cards LOL

  10. Hello,
    Wonderful blog and ideas. Are you happy you purchased this cart? I love your organization ideas. Where did you purchase the 'library' cards you used for dividers?

    On a side note the spiritual side of your blog is wonderful. I'm the proud mother of 22 you twin boys.

  11. I found your blog via Pinterest!!! I am going to buy this cart at Ikea this weekend! I love it and a girl I teach with has the teal one. I never thought about using it for PL!!! Brilliant. I have so many kits!

    I'm a sister in Christ who lives in TX...stop by my blog sometime

  12. This is awesome! I have the cart as well. Do you mind sharing how you made the dividers for the PL kits? Did you make them by hand? What dimensions are they? Mine seriously need some dividers, lol Thanks for sharing!


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