Saturday, September 28, 2013

A {Little} Sewing Project

I have this beautiful Bible that doesn't have a cover. I haven't carried it because it's too pretty. But with my failing, aging eyesight I decided I want to carry it exclusively now. It's a thinline Bible, and it's large print. Perfect! 

So, how many times have your Bible pages been bent because your Bible is down in a bag or you are just carrying it without a cover? I know it has happened to me way too many times. With this Bible, I don't want that to happen but I also don't want a coverI love the soft leather. So, I decided to create an elastic band to keep it closed while I am carrying it. This also adds a bit of fun to my Bible and keeps the pages from getting bent. Here is what I call my "Bible Band."
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I used a piece of duck fabric that I purchased from Hobby Lobby, created the band, and added a Manor House Creations fabric flower to cover the seam where I brought the ends together. The flower adds a bit more pink to my Bible. Agh, just what it needed. :) Most of you know that pink is my favorite color. :)

To create the band:
  1. Wrap a tape measure around the height of your Bible (front and back) to get the length.
  2. Using that measurement, cut one piece of 1" wide non-roll elastic the same length. Set aside.
  3. Next, cut a piece of fabric that is double the measurement x 4" wide.
  4. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise with right sides together and sew together using a 5/8" seam.
  5. Turn right-side out and press.
  6. Thread the elastic through the opening.
  7. Bring ends together and wrap around the Bible to make sure the fit is as desired. Adjust if necessary and stitch together.
  8. Add a flower or other embellishment to cover the seam.
Note: I left my edges raw on the end as they are not seen underneath the flower.

So, if you have a special Bible that doesn't have or need a cover, maybe a Bible Band is just what you need. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings,


  1. What an excellent idea Patter. Thanks for the instructions. I've pinned this. ~ Abby

  2. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Hi Patter, I just made one of these tonight for a Bible I've giving my daughter tomorrow for her birthday. It was one I had that she asked for. Thanks for posting this. ~Abby

  4. Beautiful! Thanks fot the tutorial!


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