Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday's {Tip} Sew A Bible Cover

As Bible Study Fellowship kicks off next week, I wanted to make a new Bible cover. I decided to carry a different Bible this year. Seems I am always switching things around. I wonder if I get bored easily. LOL! :) Anyway, I used this pattern and adjusted it to create my own unique Bible cover. Here is how my cover turned out:
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I purchased the fabric from Hobby Lobby. I also sprayed it with Scotch Guard after I finished all of the sewing. I have found in the past that the covers get too dirty if I don't protect them. 

So, pick up some fun fabric, and create your own Bible cover. Blessings,


  1. Love that ruffle! What a fabulous project!

  2. That is so creative! I wish I could sew like that - but atlas - I am not good with a needle (of any kind!). So I will just sit back and admire yours!! Very nicely done!! Jan


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