Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday's {Tip} Chalk Printables

I am working on a large project, and I needed some chalk printables. Well, where is the best place to find things anymoreyou guessed it, Pinterest! I entered the term "chalk printable" in the Pinterest search box, and I found all sorts of great things, the best being "Chalk Verses." I am so excited about these. I have downloaded them all, printed one as a test, and I am ready to go with my project. And because I was so excited about these, I thought some of you might love them just as much. Click on each title to see the printables:

And be sure to check out her other printables at Sweet Blessings. She has a lot of great ones. Also, don't forget to search on "chalk printable" on Pinterest as there are other great verse printables out there! And lastly, you can find all of the ones I have pinned here

To print, I use Microsoft Word. I insert one or more of the printables into a new document, size each verse as I want (usually 2 1/2 x 3 1/2), and then I print onto white cardstock. Enjoy, and have a blessed Tuesday!


  1. Thanks Patter. I already have re-pinned some of your chalk printables. Love them! I started a separate board on Pinterest just for chalk art. Thanks for the tip and links. ~ ABby

  2. You've found some BEAUTIES!!!!!! WOW!!!!!! THANKS PATTER!!!!:)

  3. WOW these are great; thanks for sharing this site.

  4. Thank you very much for sharing these. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to send or receive cards with Bible verses on them. Thanks, Patter! Jennifer in OH


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