Thursday, October 31, 2013

What Matter's Most

Most of you read that our daughters' friend passed away in a tragic car accident a few weeks ago. Some of you also know that one of our daughter's was diagnosed with a Chiari Malformation earlier this year. Yesterday, I got an e-mail from our daughter with something she had written. I want to share it with you today, and I pray it touches each of you to help those with unseen disabilities or hurts and that it draws you into a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the Glory forever, Amen. 

What Matter's Most
How many people are on this earth? 7 billion. How many of those 7 billion people do you know? How many of the ones you know will you remember? Krystal is no longer here. She was given 18 amazing years on this earth. There is nothing left but the memories. Sadly those will fade because we as humans are weak. What matters? What really lasts?

If you were to look at me and I would tell you that I have a rare and severe neurological malformation would you believe me? Probably not. Why? Because I look normal but inside I am anything but. I have Chiari Malformation. My skull is too small for my brain. My brain is now in my spinal cord that can cause migraines, blood flow restriction, nerve damage, brain stem compression, dizziness, double vision, neck/shoulder/back pain, and csf blockage. I no longer remember a day without pain. I cannot drive or do everyday activities that everybody else can do. So why am I telling you all of this?

In 100 years I probably will not be remembered. All that may be left of me, if anything, would be a rock with my name and some dates. I will be in heaven having a good time with no pain and restored function. No one would care about my old stuffed animals in an auction house or what I did or did not do in life. What matters is if you had a relationship with Jesus Christ. Notice I said relationship. Not if you knew Him or knew of Him or were a part of the Christian religion. It is a 2-way relationship with Jesus. Krystal is reaping the benefits of her relationship face to face with her Father, her Best Friend, her Savior. Will you?

I asked you earlier if I looked like I had a neurological malformation. Look around you. How many people are suffering around you that you are missing? It is easy to see the obvious injuries or emotions when they are shown, but what about the hidden ones? The smallest gesture can forever change someone’s life.

God has called us to impact others and share Him with the world but what about our own lives. God has given us life, our time, our health, and the people around us. Through Krystal and through many other people’s lives I have learned to cherish every moment and every encounter; but how do you take advantage of your time and your health. Here is what God has shown me through Chiari, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Everybody has good days and bad days; take advantage of every good day. If there is a day or even a moment where I have a little less pain I go play golf, or my saxophone, or just go outside and enjoy. Whatever it is less pain, dizziness, weakness, eye problems whatever I get out and enjoy the break God has given me. Get out and enjoy what God has given you. Enjoy God’s creation, take a walk, enjoy time with friends, maybe even make some new friends. I wish I would have taken advantage of the days without pain and everything else that I deal with now. It has now been a year and instead of getting better I have gotten worse. Would I change my life if I was offered a new one? No. Why? Because I have learned things that I could not have learned any other way, and I have grown closer to God because of it.

So to sum this all up, one day nothing will be left of all of us. No memories, no meaningless things, nothing. All that we can be guaranteed of is heaven, eternal life with our Savior, and Best Friend, if we submit ourselves into a relationship with Him. Then we need to share our hope and our relationship with others, because life is short. Finally we need to notice the unnoticeable’s instead of just the obvious.

God loves you and that is all that really matters.

Thank you God for Krystal and her simple gesture of sitting next to me which turned into a friendship that I will never forget. Thank you also for Chiari and the lessons you have taught me through it and the lessons you will continue to teach me through it although I still can not wait for the day of healing. Thank you for our school and the family of students, faculty and staff here. Let us be a campus on fire for You that can never be extinguished.  Amen.

Living for You God, Caitlyn


  1. I applaud the well written letter from your daughter. It breaks my heart that she (& your family) have to go thru such a trying disease. Hugs to you all.

    I pray that her words of wisdom and insight bring us all into a realization of how our time needs to be well spent while on earth. I thank God for using your daughter to reach the hearts and minds of so many!
    Our heavenly home is for eternity and will be wonderful. I can't wait to see her there!

  2. Oh my goodness Patter!.. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter dianosis. Being a Christian has so many mixed feelings I am sure with this season for your family. The letter is so moving. You were probably in tears and so thankful all at the same time.

    thank you so much for sharing this with all of us.

    your sister in Christ, Brenda

  3. Patter, thanks so much for sharing this with us. Caitlyn shows such spiritual maturity and has obviously experienced the Lord's grace and comfort. While I know your heart breaks for her struggles, I know it also has to rejoice in her response to these trials. May the Lord continue to give you all His grace, strength, & comfort.

  4. Thank you for letting us read Caitlyn's writing. I pray for Krystal's family & friends, and for yours. May God give the grace needed for every moment! I appreciate you---Jennifer in OH

    Deut. 33:27a

  5. Hi Caitlyn, I am so very sorry about your friend's accident - and I'm sorry you have to suffer like this with Chiari. Thank you for stepping beyond your pain and reaching out to others through your words here. Praying God would use your situation for good. You may never know how far reaching your words today will go, or how will they impact someone. When you listen to that quiet voice of God, prompting what you should say/write, He will accomplish its purpose. Praying for your friend's family and for you dear one. ~ Abby

  6. Patter, what insight your daughter has to spiritual truths. We don't always understand the whys but when we have a relationship with Jesus Christ He walks us through this life with purpose. Well written, Caitlyn! What a day that will be when our Jesus we shall see! Your friend is enjoying that day right now. Praying for those family and friends mourning their loss. Trusting that the Lord will continue to direct you and use you for His glory. Blessings!

  7. Patter, what a wonderfully written letter. My heart goes out to your family and Krystal's family. May you all be given the grace and strength now and for the times ahead.

  8. Thank you for sharing this. Its been really inspiring and encouraging. I have to battle with bouts of chronic fatigus and when its bad its a struggle to stay positive. But I felt God has been telling me I could use my time better, both when I'm unwell and when I'm ok. This post has just reinforced that. Bless you.

  9. Patter, what a wise, caring, beautiful daughter you have raised. You should be very proud of her.


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