Wednesday, July 23, 2014

{Art Journaling} Faith

This past weekend I went crazy with the painting. I created three pages so today I wanted to share another one with you. If you missed the first page, click here to see it. Art journaling is so relaxing and fun that I really must try to work on it each day! It also gets the story and journaling down that means so much!

So for this page, I was inspired by Sandi Keene in a class I am taking. She also makes awesome deli paper flowers but mine did not turn out so great. You can see Sandi's great tutorial here. Since my flowers were not what I wanted to use on my page, I decided to use some old Prima flowers and colored them to match my page. I really must use these flowers up, and this is a great way to use them without adding bulk to my art journal.
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The story behind this page is written on the back. If you remember, one of my daughters is away on an 8 week ministry trip. Well, this weekend she was having a very difficult time, so I really had to rely on my faith and not fear as she went through this difficult time.

Well, thank you for stopping by! I will share the third page on July 29th with my Blue Fern Studios creations. Blessings,


  1. This is so beautiful, Patter! I'd love to be able to sit with you while you work on mixed media projects to see how you do it and how it all comes together. :)

  2. Just watched the video - how cool. Never was interested in getting a gelli plate kit but this I can do! LOL! Love what you did - wonderful colors :)

  3. What a pretty page, Patter! It's so hard having your child away when they are going thru a difficult time isn't it? That's one of the really difficult parts of having (young) adult children. May the Lord continue to give you comfort.

  4. I really like how the white paint is transparent and lets the other colors show. It feels like a sheer curtain. Beautiful!

  5. It's really beautifully layered. I'm so inspired everytime I visit!

  6. Love the depth of this piece. Gorgeous.


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