Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday's {Tip} Cover Those Mistakes!

In my layout I shared this past Sunday, there was a typo on my journaling. It's not the first time I have done it, and I always try to come up with ways to hide it. I really don't like to waste paper or retype my journaling. So, let me show you a couple of ways I have fixed my typos.

In Sunday's post, I wasn't watching as I was typing, and I typed right off the edge of my journaling card. So, I used a thin piece of washi to cover it. Then the washi was not the exact color of my page, so I painted the washi with acrylic paint. I then put washi and paint on the opposite lower left corner to make it look like the design was supposed to be that way. :) See next to the word "faith"? That's the mistake. LOL! If I would have just painted it, the text would have still shown through so the washi underneath really helped.

Now on this mistake, I used a wood veneer (arrow) to cover the mistake. You can still see it slightly but if you didn't know it was there,  you probably wouldn't even notice it.

So, learn to embrace those mistakes and find fun and creative ways to cover them up! But I must say, now you will be watching my creations for all of those mistakes. LOL! Have a blessed day!


  1. Love covers a multitude of sins. Thanks for the tips. Jennifer in Ohio.

  2. Oh, you are too cute! But those are great ideas! Hugs!

  3. Hi Patter! Thank you for these awesome tips! I usually end up leaving it be or redoing it, sometimes coming up with a creative way to cover booboos up. LOL!

  4. Great tips Patter! I always say that part of the "talent" needed in paper crafting is how to cover mistakes well! LOL! Still trying for some free time... I think of you so often and want to get together but the times I get to Hickory I'm usually on the fly. Call me some time and lets just set a date! My email is on side bar on my blog too if you'd rather do that. I imagine your girls are home and you're enjoying summer time... but when you do have time... let me know!

  5. Love seeing how to fix things without an Undo button - tips like this get me thinking about trying out more paper type stories.

  6. Great job covering up those oopsies! Your projects are beautiful!


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