Friday, August 22, 2014

Journaling {Bible} My First Entry

So, the other day I decided to sit down and play with my journaling Bible. If you missed my post about this new Bible and the 'Bible Band' that I made for it, click here.

In thinking about how I will use this Bible, I decided to go back and reflect on sermon notes that I love, that were meaningful to me, and that I want to remember. This will not be my study Bible as the font is just too small. However, I love that this Bible will be used to highlight things that I have learned about specific scriptures.

This particular week (8/3/14), our pastor taught on Acts 8:26-40. I encourage you to read it. The one point he made that I loved was:

"Moments we share our faith are ones God has already orchestrated."

So, that is the point I chose to put in the margin next to the passage. I also used my pens to underline Acts 8:29-31 because I felt that was the moment God had orchestrated for both Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. And notice, when the Spirit tells Philip to go, he runs. How often do I run and do as the Spirit leads me? I think most of the time I sit there and question whether or not I have really heard Him correctly. What do I need to do differently? I need to watch for those moments that God has orchestrated for me to share Him and do it. And don't wait or question it but run!

The pens I use to write in this Bible are the Staedtler Triplus Fineliners. I found this set on
Some things I discovered during this journaling process are that:
  • The stamp ink does go through to the backside of the page but the pens (shown above) do not.
  • The mists also go through to the other side of the page.
  • I will date the pages with the date of the sermon not the date I create the page. That way I can find the rest of the sermon notes from this passage in my sermon journal very easily.
  • This will be a great way to use up the alpha sticker stash that I have accumulated over the years.
  • This is something that I can do very quickly but I truly end up dwelling on the scripture and main point all day.

Thanks for stopping by, and remember to see Shanna's blog here for more information about the Journaling Bible. Blessings,


  1. Thanks Patter - you always have the best ideas!

  2. What a neat way to remember specific points from a message. The only Bibles I'd seen like this were ones marketed to pastors so that they could have their sermon outline in the margin. I never thought of journaling in the margin. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Nice work and what a neat idea to create pockets of art with the bible.

  4. beautiful page.. I love your work.. hv for many years! I bought that marker set tonite.. I didn't hv a lot of colors.. and it was a great deal! Thks for sharing... looking forward to using them! xo


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