Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Journaling {Bible} Mark 6:48-51

Have you ever heard that there is no such thing as a coincidence? Well, there certainly is not, and when I see those moments of what people would call a "coincidence," that's when I see God so very clearly. That is what happened with today's scripture.

I was going through my old sermon notes to see what I wanted to study and put into my Journaling Bible when the words at the top of a page caught me. They said "Jesus is Enough." I knew then that this is what I would be studying again and putting into my Journaling Bible. Well, a week passed, and the notes stayed open on my desk. I hadn't had time to create or study further as we have had a lot going on. Two of our daughter's have been having many health issues, and so I put this aside. Then on Sept. 11, one of our girls called from school and told us how bad her sister was doing. She said "Mom, we heard in chapel tonight that Jesus is Enough, and I told 'sister' about it and reminded her that He is enough!" I cried as she had no idea that those were the exact same words that God reminded me of the week before. I knew for certain that this is what God wanted our struggling daughter to hear. I have shared it with her almost daily since this happened a couple of weeks ago. She even has it pasted on her bathroom mirror in her dorm room now. God is SO good! So, if you are struggling, remember:

"Jesus is enough. He is enough for us to weather any storm."

It's not that we are enough or that we have what we need to make it through the stormsit's all Him! Rely on Him. He will carry you and help you through any storm in life that comes your way.

And if you want to know how to make the colorful circles I used on this page, please see my tutorial I posted yesterday by clicking here. I hope you have enjoyed today's post and that it ministers to you in some way. Joyfully in Christ,


  1. Super page, love your colorful circles. God bless your day. Also Patter, just a FYI for you, I am more apt to leave a comment if the blog owner moderates comments rather than having us code them.

  2. Ahh, Patter, I'm so sorry your girls are continuing to struggle medically. We are in the same place with our precious girl. It's so hard to watch them suffer (or often worse, suffering while away from us and we can't "nurse" them) but what a great reminder that Jesus IS enough. Thanks. Psalm 61:2 is great for times like this.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I truly do appreciate hearing from you!!!!

I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!