Thursday, September 4, 2014

Journaling {Bible} Matthew 28:1-10

As I continue to go through old sermon notes, I keep finding gems that our pastor has shared as we have studies God's Word. This particular passage he shared at Easter. I just loved what he said in response to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary as they ran quickly and filled with joy to tell the disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead. That quick and immediate obedience along with their unwavering faith truly speaks to me. They acted on their faith, and that faith was visibly evident. How quickly do I obey? Would I have had such faith and gone on like they did? Do people visibly see Him in all I do? Our pastor shared this thought and how this passage applies to us:

"My faith and obedience extends the gospel message. It is visible evidence. Go and tell."

Matthew 28:7-8 "Then go quickly and tell His disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him.’ Now I have told you.” So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell His disciples."

 And here is how I journaled this in my Bible:

A few things about this page. First, I have change journaling Bibles. I was previously using the ESV Journaling Bible but changed this week to the HCSB Notetaker's Bible because the font is so much easier on my eyes. Even though this is not my study Bible, I was still having trouble finding the verses to highlight in the ESV Bible. The font is just way too small. I am still praying about what to do with that Bible but from now on, you will see this new, larger font Bible being used.

Also, previously I did not note where the teaching came from. I am now not only noting the date but also who shared the teaching with me. I plan on putting teachings from our pastor, BSF, and other places in this same Bible. It will be wonderful to look back and remember who shared that particular teaching with me.

And be watching on Tuesday. I will share how I am using the deli paper in this Bible. I will give you a few tips that I hope you will find helpful. Thanks for stopping by, and have a joyous Thursday!


  1. oooh I love the painted heart.... it's perfect.. Love love this passage!

  2. Thanks for sharing this! I wish I had known about the other bible because I agree that the font in the ESV is very small. I cannot afford to buy a different version, so I will have to stick it out. I was planning to write to you for ideas in how to journal in here, but it sounds like you are planning a post on it? I used things that people in the FB page said were alright and they bled through to the next page, so for now I am stalled. I would love to get going again, but I need some guidance.

    Your page, and your message are beautiful!

  3. Hi Patter, lovely page you have here, the rings are so fun, it is on my list of ideas to do. You can see my first page here,, (your welcome to follow my blog through Bloglovin if you would like to see future posts too.) I did it about a week ago. I was in the Facebook group, but have since left it, I just didn't have the time for it, so am now following a board on Pinterest. God bless you and hugs.

  4. Lovely job using shapes, colors and images to reflect this bible lesson. I think it is so neat a bible was created for us artsy types to draw and create on the sidelines.


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