Sunday, September 7, 2014

{SCRLLC14} Scripture Lesson #16, His Strength is Perfect

This is a new song to me; maybe it will be new for some of you too. It is called "His Strength is Perfect" by Steven Curtis Chapman and Jerry Salley. It was written in 1988 and has been published in some Baptist Hymnals since 2008. This song talks about assurance, security, confidence, rest, and shares some attributes of God. You can listen to the song by clicking here. The video is a live performance of Steven Curtis Chapman singing this song. The person filming this has trouble holding onto their camera; however, I really love this live performance by him. It is more incredible and touching to me to watch him sing it live. I hope it doesn't bother you too much. And here are the lyrics:

"I can do all things
Through Christ who gives me strength
But sometimes I wonder what He can do through me 
No great success to show 
No glory on my own 
Yet in my weakness 
He is there to let me know 

His strength is perfect when our strength is gone 
He'll carry us when we can't carry on 
Raised in His power, the weak become strong 
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect 

We can only know 
The power that He holds 
When we truly see how deep our weakness goes 
His strength in us begins 
Where ours comes to an end 
He hears our humble cry and proves again 

Chorus repeat"

I found this song by doing a search on the word 'peace'. I was looking for peace and strength particularly for my daughter this week as she had a spinal nerve root block on Thursday. She is normally extremely anxious in these situations but instead as the day arrived, she was completely covered in His peace. So many people were praying for her. For me as an "observer," I was in awe watching Him work in her. I know how she normally handles these things, and the only explanation for what I saw Thursday was that God was holding her hand, He will filling her with His peace, and giving her His strength. His strength is perfect!

1 Chronicles 16:11 "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always."

Psalm 28:7 "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him."

Psalm 37:24 "Though He may stumble, He will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand."

Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

Isaiah 40:29-31 says "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

I love that passage! When we are weary, He gives us His strength, and He gives us His power. God is greater than our most impossible task. What are you facing this week, this month, this year? Turn to the Lord. He will strengthen you for anything you face now, tomorrow, and forever. So when you are faced with a trial, a difficult situation, a weak moment, etc., will you remember that His strength alone is perfect?

Mark the above verses in your Bible, share them with someone that may need them this week, post them on the mirrors around your house because rememberHis strength is perfect!

Instead of doing a 6x6 page this week, I chose to document it in my journaling Bible because of a verse God gave to me Thursday morning before we left for her procedure. I really love Psalm 28:7 but God gave me Psalm 37:24. When we moved in 2012 and we were looking for a new church home, the pastor of a church we visited shared Psalm 37:24 and said 

"God is in charge of everything. He orders our steps and holds our hand."

I was able to share that with my daughter along with the scripture and tell her that God was holding her hand. He would get her through the procedure. He was there with her, and He certainly was in a mighty way!

For this page, I used a piece of Blue Fern Studios chipboard. Do you see it? It's the royal blue leaves to the left of the tag that says "remember." That is a portion of the chipboard piece called "Leafy Bough" which is a beautiful piece and can be used in so many different ways. I peeled off one thin layer of the chipboard, painted it, and used a glue stick to put it in my Bible. The thickness of the chipboard would normally be too much for a Bible but there is always a way to separate it and make it thinner to use in my Bible. Love that!
I also journaled the date of the sermon back in 2012 and the date God gave me this verse again and how He used it. I felt it was important to also journal that for the generations to come and for my daughter to remember how His strength got her through.

Paper: Kabnet Wax deli paper
Stamps: Technique Tuesday Scrapbook It, Our Daily Bread Designs God's Hands, Hero Arts Painted Circle, Heidi Swapp date stamp
Stamp Ink: Archival Manganese Blue, Archival jet black
Blue Fern Studios chipboard: Leafy Bough (painted with Adirondack Dabber sail boat blue)
Embellishments: Chic Tags, Sn@p! sticker letters, October Afternoon sticky keys peacock blue stickers, Cosmo Cricket tiny type stickers, sewing machine

Remember to use Keyword SCRLLC14 when posting your creations in any online galleries. Also, please leave a link to your creation here using Inlinkz! To see all of the information regarding this challenge and the previous studies, please see this post here. Blessings, and I pray this week that you will rely on His strength in all situations!


  1. Patter, another song I do not remember hearing before. I do like your Journaling Bible and I am thinking of doing something similar if I can purchase two cheap Bibles ( possibly from second hand shops ) to do journaling in a bible. If I do make a success of it I will share it on my blog and let you know.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Love the colors!


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