Sunday, November 16, 2014

Art {Journaling} Romans 8:18-22

It's art journaling time again. You are probably wondering why I am posting another page so soon. Well, you know, once I get the paints out, I just can't put them away. I have been painting since the art journaling page I did on Thursday, and I have really been enjoying using my new 3x5 Gelli Plate. If you missed Thursday's post, click here. Anyway, I have been painting and crocheting, and really just trying to enjoy. I haven't really done that in a while because of my daughter's back surgery.

Anyway, our other two girls that are away at college have had a really hard semester. This semester has been harder than their very first semester in college. There have been a lot of trials. I have been so proud of them because they have stood up for what is right and what God would have them do. They have suffered but finally got some amazing news on Friday afternoon. 

So, for my page, I chose a principle that was shared in Bible Study Fellowship based on Romans 8:18-22. The principle says "Painful suffering is temporary but the delights of glory will last forever." I shared this with my girls on Friday. They have suffered but it was temporary, and it is all for God's glory.  In that we have our hope!

I hope you have enjoyed my page today. Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your Sunday!

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  1. This is gorgeous, and I love this biblical principle (needed the reminder). I saw the typewriter in your studio tour, assuming you used that to type on the tag? Maybe not, because of the font size did you do it--I need a new method for putting text on a journal page! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Barbara! Thanks for your sweet words. And yes, I used my typewriter for some of the text. The larger font is stamped. I stamped the 'P' first then typed the principle. Once that was typed and I saw how much room was left on the tag, I stamped "for His Glory." :) Hope that helps. There are also two different types of alpha stamps used. Blessings,

  3. This is beautiful! It really spoke to me this morning as I am enduring some pretty painful suffering that feels like it's going to overtake me, but I am holding tight to God. Can I ask, in the background it looks like a page of a book is collaged? and there is white "writing" what is that and do you mind sharing your technique, it's very cool looking!

  4. Cricket, I am so thankful God could use this to speak to you today. I pray that you will continue to hold tight to Him knowing that He wastes nothing, and He loves you beyond words!

    And yes, that is book paper. I generally keep hymn paper and book paper on my art table. I use it to dab off extra paint, clean stencils, etc. Then I have fun paper to tear up and use on my pages. So, the bits you see are just torn up pieces from those pages.

    And the "writing" I think you are talking about is the stamped text. I have a text stamp that I load up with white gesso and just stamp it on my page. Makes for another fun effect.

    Let me know if you have anymore questions, and have a joyous Sunday resting in Him!

  5. This is such a gorgeous spread! I love all the texture, the white accents, but most especially, I love the tag! Such a beautiful way to honor God with your art and a great story about sharing with your girls. I have two in college as well and they sure have some tough times! God bless and thanks for sharing!


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