Monday, December 8, 2014

A Birthday Book with {Video}

My precious mother and her identical twin turned 70 yesterday. I do not know how it is possible. Here they are back in the 1980s celebrating their birthday in France. They are a pair, and they still love to dress alike. :) Love you Mom and AK!!!!!

Anyway, when Dad turned 70, I made him a "70 Things" book. You may remember that book. If not, click here for that post. Since I made Dad a book, of course I needed to make Mom one too for her 70th birthday. So, I went to work writing down the 70 things that make her special. I had some input from my girls too via e-mail as two of them are away at college. Hubby was out of town on business so we had to do the best we could. 

This is a very quick album to make once you think of the "70 things." I print the "70 things" and then just stamp and use washi quickly throughout the book. I do use a Smash Mini book when I make these, and the covers are usually not too detailed in their design. The chipboard piece is from Blue Fern Studios, and it is called "Birthday Wishes."

Here is a video showing the inside of the book. I hope you enjoy it and that it gives you some ideas for a milestone birthday in your family! Blessings,

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1 comment:

  1. What a lovely and loving idea to celebrate your mother's birthday. I know she will cherish it. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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