Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday's {Tip} Smearing Text? Try Microglaze!

Do you ever find that your printed text smears? Or how about stamped images? Do you find when you art journal that you have text that smears? It can be written text, printed text, or even stamped images. One way to solve the written text problem is to only use waterproof pens. Some that I use and love are:
  • Copic Multiliner SP 0.5 and 0.7
  • Staedtler Pigment Liner 0.5 and 0.7
  • Sakura Pigma Micron 0.5
To keep stamped images from smearing, you can use india ink. I love and use Hero Arts Hero Hues Black India Ink. But if you notice, it is only in black. What if you want to use a colored ink that will smear? Or what if you have printed text from your printer? If you saw my post on Sunday, the text on the ATC cards was printed from my printer. That text smears if I get it damp or put any other wet media on top of it (for instance mist or splattering paint).

Sometimes for my printed text, I will use my vintage Smith-Corona typewriter but even that text will smear with other wet media. So, how do I solve that problem and protect my text and images? I use Judikins MicroGlaze. 

This stuff is awesome. You just dip your finger into the jar, and rub a tiny bit over your text. I then buff it with a cloth. Simple and fast. Here is what this product does:
  • Micro glaze is an all-purpose paper protective cream wax coating for paper and art 
  • Apply this glaze sparingly over artwork for a smudge resistant and waterproof finish 
  • Repels water from inkjet photos watercolors and stamped cards 
  • Can be buffed to a gloss and acid free 
I really love this stuff. You can also use it as a resist. There are lots of cool resist techniques to do with MicroGlaze. Look for videos on YouTube.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find you love MicroGlaze as much as I do! Blessings,

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  1. Thanks, Patter! You always have ideas for products and techniques. I cannot tell you how many times I've smeared a verse or sentiment or title and needed to re-do it. Merry Christmas---Jennifer in Ohio

  2. You've really made my day with this tip - I've had some for years and never used it but I'm always smearing my writing in my journals and this is a BRILLIANT way of using it up. God Bless ou and thank you. Cath x

  3. Hi Patter, I was just wondering when you put this on your paper can you still paint over it or write over it with a micron pen or other pens?


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