Sunday, January 4, 2015

Glory Art {Tips} Crayola Twistables and Newsprint Paper

If you noticed in my {Glory Art} Challenge announcement, I will be sharing art tips with some of our studies this year. If you have not seen the {Glory Art} announcement, please click here. I would love for you to join us. 

Anyway, I have decided to break the art tips "out" from the actually study post so that the tips do not get lost. I will probably end up doing two posts on challenge Sundaysone with tips and one with the challenge. That way the challenge and the tips should be easier to find in searches or by using the labels. I hope that makes sense. With that said and with the growing excitement for next Sunday's study, I have decided to share my first tip post with you today. Let's look at a couple of things I want to share with you today.

Crayola Twistables
Friday I went to Wal-Mart, and I always take a quick run through the office department while I am there because office supplies make great art supplies. Well, I came across the Crayola Twistable Colored Pencils. I knew they had twistable Crayons but not colored pencils. The package of 30 pencils was only $6.97 so I grabbed them to try them out.
To begin, I wanted to figure out how I would store these and then make an index of the colors because the color of each pencil does not accurately show the pencil color. For storage, I decided to use an old Crystal Light plastic container I had. All 30 pencils fit perfectly in this plastic container but they are about an 1/8 inch too tall. So, to solve the lid problem, I just turned the lid upside down and used a large rubber band to keep it all in place.

I then made an index of the colors that slips down into the plastic container very nicely. I used my labeler to label each pencil with its corresponding number. It's now very easy to find which pencil I want to use.

I tried coloring with these pencil by using this free printable from Karla Dornacher. You can get this printable by clicking here. Thank you Karla for the fun printable. These particular colored pencils do not color very smoothly like my expensive colored pencils. It was even hard to get them to color in the large areas completely. You can probably see that in my sample. They do color in smaller areas nicely though. So, no shading and certainly not smooth but they will be great for highlighting Bible verses, and they will not bleed through. They are also very easy to take on the road.

So, if you are looking for something inexpensive to use in your Bible that you can easily take with you, these might be what you are looking for.

Newsprint Paper
Many of you have seen that I use Strathmore Newsprint Paper a lot. I use it for many things. One way I use it is as underpaper when I am creating. I use this paper to stamp off ink, clean stencils, test colors, try out paint, etc. It not only keeps my work surface clean but I also end up with fun papers to use. Here is one I am ready to recycle and use on my creations.

I also use old books in the same way. The disadvantage to old books is that the pages are not very big so they do not cover much of your work surface but you end up with some great paper to reuse because of the text. Once my newsprint paper or book paper is filled, I use them on my creations as a base paper. Here you can see I have sized eight ATC cards from the book paper and the newsprint paper to turn into Scripture Art Cards. You may even remember me using some underpaper in my last Journaling Bible page. If not, click here to see that page.

So, go ahead and start saving some underpaper to use on your creations. You may even want to have some ready to use for the challenge next Sunday.

I hope these tips have been helpful. Feel free to ask questions here in the comment section or on the {Glory Art} Facebook page here. Thanks for stopping by, and have a blessed Sunday!

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  1. Hi Patter!

    I hope that you and your family had a wonderful and blessed Christmas and New Year!
    I am totally in love with your project today. I always find your posts to be so inspirational.

    I do have a smaller set of these pencils that I use for my precept study and I have been fairly pleased with them for that purpose. I honestly had not tried to use them for traditional coloring. Good to know that they do no color so well. I LOVE your idea for storing them. I may just have to "borrow" your idea since I have several of those containers in a box in the garage, "for such a time as this."

    I was thinking about you when I was brainstorming of other ways to uses these pencils. I was reminded of a wonderful youtuber named Vivian. I know you will love her videos if you have not already discovered her. Her channel is ContadinaK. She LOVES mixed media and has been on several design teams. I remember a video/blog post where she used the Faber-Castelle twist CRAYONS (not the pencils) and a hot mini iron. I can't remember the name of the the iron that is in the sewing section it has a long handle and the tip (iron) is really tiny, like only 1-2 inches. Anyhow she rubbed the crayons on the surface of the hot iron to melt the wax and pigments and then smeared it all over her cardstock.

    I do not know if these pencils will work but I would imagine that the CRAYOLA brand twist crayons may be something that you already have, if not, they would be relatively easy to get and fairly inexpensive. I thought that you may enjoy "smearing" the wax on some of your text paper or even in your art journals. I believe that they would create a wonderful resist. Don't you think?

    I also saw a video from Lindsay "The frugal crafter" on youtube. She just used plain 'ol crayons and used "deli paper" and she actually used a "coffee cup warmer" (or I have seen something similar in the candle section to melt a scented jar candle so you don't have to light the wick.) She placed the deli paper right on the small hot surface of the coffee cup warmer and "drew" with her crayons till they melted. Actually, I think that she had pre-stamped an image and was using the melted crayons to "color" in the images. I can't remember exactly, but either way, I was thinking that any of those ideas may appeal to you.

    I hope that you give these a whirl and I would love to see/hear what you think.

    Have a blessed day!

  2. Every time I see you in my email I think of the scripture challenge that you have done in the pass.. are you going to do this for 2015... Lord Bless You,

    I am a Christian wife of 37 years and have been doing scrap booking for over 20 years.. I've been in a slump lately and have lost some of my creativity...not sure if it because I have to bring all my supplies up stairs now in the kitchen to work.. I have a huge basement but it's not carpeted and I hate being down there by myself...Lord Bless you

    Lord Bless you


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