Sunday, March 22, 2015

Glory Art {Tips} Collage Paper

When creating a background for your art journaling page, Scripture Art Cards, etc., why not use some collage paper? You can certainly collage a background yourself with various book papers, tissue paper, etc., but collaged paper does the job for you and makes the process a bit faster.

For today's cards, I used the new Blue Fern Studios Love Story Amazing Heart paper. Here you can see Side A (black paper side) and Side B (the collage paper side). I used Side B for today's cards.

You can see how beautifully collaged Side B is. Today I used this paper to create four Scripture Art cards. Here you can see the four cards cut out with this paper.

Next I used an old iTunes card to put a bit of gesso on the paper to tone down the color a bit. After that, I ran my brayer over the wet gesso to give it more texture. Here you can see the two cards on the left have had gesso applied and the brayer used on top. The two on the right have not been touched yet. I wanted you to be able to see how the gesso mutes the paper just enough for creating my cards.

After that, I layered a bit of paint and black gesso circles. When you use collage paper, you don't need to add many layers if you do not want to. Collage paper makes your creation look more layered than it is. Here is how my cards turned out. To see more photos, please see my post here.

Thanks for stopping by, and grab some collage paper for your next creation! Blessings,

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