Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Journaling {Bible} Isaiah 46

Sunday afternoon I came across a flower and a heart in my drawer. I save extra painted pieces that I don't use. I never know when I will want to use them on something. So, I decided to use these found items to begin a new Journaling {Bible} page. These dictated my color scheme, and the heart went perfect with the truth I journaled in the margin.

The truth says "A believer's heart houses God's temple and His glory!" Then I added "Do others see that in me?"

The flower was actually one painted flower that I cut into thirds and placed around the page. Then I doodle on the flower and around the flower. I also doodled around the heart once I put it on my page. Another found piece I used was a piece of a grocery bag. There is a beautiful triangular pattern on the page. I typed "believer's heart" on that piece. It doesn't show the entire pattern but it was still fun to use.

So, have fun journaling, and look around for some "found items" to use on your next page. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings,

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  1. Love it! Isaiah 46:4 is dear to my heart---especially as the wisdom shows itself on my head. (Maybe God is teaching me some things?)

    This is creative, expressive, and obviously a labor of love. Thank you, Patter! Jennifer in Ohio


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