Saturday, September 26, 2015

No Glory {Art} Challenge Tomorrow 9/27/15

I really hate to have to post this. But I am out-of-state and at a hospital with my daughter. She was taken via ambulance from the University on Thursday to the hospital. The earliest we will be out of here is Wednesday. She may need heart surgery. And yes this is the daughter you prayed for earlier this year when she had spinal surgery. Prayers for wisdom for the doctors would be much appreciated! I pray you use this time to complete some of the studies you have not been able to do yet. May God bless each of you, and thank you for interceding for us!


  1. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear that your daughter is in the hospital. I'll be sending prayers your way.

  2. Praying Psalm 29:11 for you and yours. Love, Jennifer in Ohio. Thanks for letting us know.

  3. Oh so sorry to hear this Patter! Will be keeping her in prayer as well as you!!!

  4. Patter, please know that my prayer for your daughter (and your entire family) as well as all medical personnel involved have been lifted up to our gracious God. I will continue to hold you and your family in prayer while I await hearing good news regarding her health.

  5. Praying for you all and will continue to do so. I hope you will keep us posted when you can with good news about her recovery! God is good!

    Love and hugs,

  6. So sorry to hear you news, will be praying for her and your family.

  7. Patter, my heart dropped when I read this. I didn't know. Please, please call me if I can do anything at all. Just makes me sad this morning, but I will be in prayer today for her, you and your whole family. What a trying time she has had this year. Sending a million hugs and warm smiles. May the Lord just comfort you all. Janet

  8. I am so sorry to hear this. You and your daughter and the medical personnel are in my prayers, as well as your family. Take a deep breath.

  9. Oh my goodness, your poor daughter. Healing grace and strength to her and to the rest of the family too. Best wishes.

  10. Lifting your daughter and entire family up to our amazing Papa God who can and does still work healing miracles every day.

  11. Sending prayers up for your daughter and your entire family. May God watch over you all.


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