Sunday, December 13, 2015

Glory {Art} Challenge Update & New for 2016

Hello faithful blog followers. I pray you are well and enjoying this busy season. Unfortunately, I will not be able to post today's Glory {Art} Challenge due to more health issues with my daughter and my precious parents arriving from TX yesterday. I will be posting our next study on 12/27/15. I hope you will use this time to reflect on other studies you have completed this year or even catch up on those you have not completed.

Also, I wanted to let you know that I will be continuing our study for 2016. There will be a few differences, and I will post about that shortly. I hope you will join in and encourage your family and friends to join us too. Watch for the details coming soon! Have a blessed Sunday!

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I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!