Sunday, April 17, 2016

Art {Journaling} Inspiration Journal Giveaway

Many of you may have seen Donna Downey's Inspiration Wednesday videos. She has posted them for many years. Anyway, I have always wondered where she purchased her journals. Well, she makes them. So, I watched her $5 class on how to make them, and I made a quick one yesterday. Click here to see the class details. 

For my journal, I decided not to use grommets. I just stitched the pages directly into the fabric journal. I am not planning on adding signatures, so this works for me. This journal has 12 pages of Canson Mixed Media paper inside as well as a tag or other fun item in the center of each page. The outside fabric is a thinner cotton, and the inside is heavy canvas so it can get paint all over it. Here is a quick look. I am not sure why so many wrinkles showed up in the photo. It doesn't look like that in person. Hmmm? :)

And if you are interested in this journal, I am giving this first one away. Just leave a comment below letting me know how you might use this journal or what you like about this journal. Leave your comment by Wednesday, April 20, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern. I will then post the winner on Thursday here on my blog.

Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your Sunday afternoon!


  1. Patter this is wonderful .. would be perfect for your class next year! You are a blessing in all you do for us. :)

  2. What a beautiful book. If I were to acquire is I would use it for my food and blood sugar logging... Trying to make lemonade out of lemons. God Bless!

  3. What a sweet journal! I have just recently started Bible Journaling and am finding it very rewarding. I would love to use this journal in conjunction with my Bible. There are some pages that I would like to journal more than 1 section, chapter or verse and there are pages that do not have enough room to do what inspires me. This journal would be a great way to finish those journal entries. Thank you for a chance to win your handmade journal. I have enjoyed your blog posts for years and they have inspired me to do many projects.

  4. Beautiful! I would really enjoy a journal like this for memory-keeping - I'm a bit of a packrat with the bits and pieces I want to save from life, so I'm really trying to work on storing them appropriately from the beginning. I'm a big fan of the junque journal style of art journaling and memory-keeping. :D

  5. This is lovely, Patter. I'm not sure, it could be a garden journal or a sketch journal for my card-making ideas. I might give it to one of my daughters as a gift. Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. What a cute idea. I love making anything connected with journals and mini books. This one's a keeper. Would make a nice gift to someone. Very pretty.

  7. Hi Patter. I just found your site via Etsy. You know how that goes, one thing leads to another and then to you. I love this journal. I have been watching Donna's Wed. tutorials for years and in one of them she mentions that she had a video about how she makes them. I think it was originally free but then found it for $5. I am so cheap...err, thrifty, that I didn't want to pay for it so I did more searching on other videos until I sorta figured it out. I would use this journal to put doodle ideas, practice my faces, sketch journal layout ideas, etc. Thanks for a sweet giveaway. I just became a subscriber as well. :=)

  8. I would love to win this for my daughter who just began journaling!
    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  9. Oh I would love to play in this journal, especially with the heavy canvas inside just begging to be painted on!

  10. Your journals are so beautiful! I must take one of these classes. I would gift the journal to my cousin who is currently going through chemo. Thanks for the opportunity.

  11. Thanks for this. I don't really need a new book for anything special just now, but enjoyed seeing how to make one. Take care--Jennifer in OH

  12. Patter, I thank the Lord for people that celebrate being made in His likeness through creativity. Sometimes I'm at a loss of where to begin when starting a new venture. Just recently I've discovered how people are Bible journaling through art. Immediately the idea connected with my heart, but now it's time to actually try it. The alphabet theme seems to tie in well since His Word is the foundation of knowing Him better. What beautiful colors to inspire and the number of pages makes the idea of journaling less intimadating. So I would begin my babysteps of personal Bible art-journaling with the gift of your journal. No matter what, your spirit of inspiring and encouraging is appreciated! Thanks!

  13. I love this idea! If I won your journal, I would illustrate bible verses in it as an anonymous gift for someone who lost her only son tragically. She told me she cries every day and I can't get her off my mind.

  14. I've never used a sewn journal, but i like that the pages would lay flat when it's open. I've used sketchbooks, but i like the idea of an art journal. it seems warmer, and more relaxed.

  15. This is such a beautiful handmade journal. I've never really dabbled in journaling before but I've recently began a Bible art faith journaling session. If I were to win this lovely journal I would certainly incorporate the use of it with my daily Bible art sessions. Thank you for the chance to win.


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