Saturday, April 30, 2016

Art {Journaling} Inspiration Journal iw1.20.16

I am back with another entry in my Inspiration Journal. I am thinking of this journal as my "chunky and new technique" journal. It's so different from my normal style, and it's certainly fun to try. For today's entry, Donna used numbers on her page. I decided to use a scripture as I love to use scriptures on most of my work. For those of you have that followed me for some time, you already know that. :) Anyway, I loved the word "valuable" in this scripture:

Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

What a great reminder that we are valuable to Him!!! So here is how I journaled Matthew 6:26.

And since this is my "chunky journal," I pulled out my awesome Blue Fern Studios chipboard to add to the page. I had fun painting this fence. And the postage stamps remind me of the years I lived in England. Oh how I miss it.

Papers: Canson mixed media paper 
Stamps: Tim Holtz Tall Text, Becky Higgins date stamp, Technique Tuesday Favorite Circles 
Stamp Ink: Archival Ink sepia, Hero Hues India ink 
Paints: Liquitex gesso and light modeling paste; Golden Fluid Acrylics burnt umber light and yellow ochre; Glimmer Mist suede and mustard seed, Martha Stewart Satin lime zinger 
Tools: Ranger Mini Round Blending tool, Tim Holtz tiny attacher 
Embellishments: Blue Fern Studios country picket fence and Blue Fern bits chipboard, misc number tickets, misc. tag, used postage stamps, bird tissue paper, masking tape

Well, thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

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  1. Gorgeous page, Patter. Love the birds.

  2. Lovely! I will certainly have to check out the class you are talking about! I LOVE the bird, the fence, the stamps, and especially the sentiment! Thanks for sharing!


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